Mike Leach and the “futility of huddles”?

I don’t subscribe to Texas Monthly, but I want a copy of the September, 2009 issue.

… Tonight he is working on an article for the Texas Tech Law Review about the relationship between practicing law and coaching football. He can do this because he is the only head coach at a major football university to have a law degree and because he is, well, the sort of person who would be inclined to do such a thing.


Filed under Mike Leach. Yar!

6 responses to “Mike Leach and the “futility of huddles”?

  1. Section Z alum

    woe unto the 2L gunner who has to cite check that damn thing…


  2. RedCrake

    I’d prefer to hear his thoughts about the legal aspects of Maritime Piracy.


  3. Dog in Fla

    So that explains why Leach uses the technique of not giving information directly but instead of asking a series of questions so that his players and the media come either to the desired knowledge Leach wants them to have by answering his questions or to a deeper awareness of the limits of their knowledge, which is infinitesimal or, most likely, to them having absolutely no clue about what he’s trying to get at with his questions.


  4. TomReagan

    Senator, you just made Rick Neuheisel’s hit list.
