“Pink is good, blue is bad.”

Everything you wanted to know about the heir apparent, who will be formally unveiled in a pre-game ceremony this Saturday.


UPDATE: Good lookin’ dog.


Filed under Georgia Football

28 responses to ““Pink is good, blue is bad.”

  1. Dog in Fla

    This promises to be even more exciting than the unveiling of the Statue of Nick in Tuscaloosa.

    But what about Russ The Temporary Mascot? He gets no respect. He should. He’s been through the hard-times with us. They’re even fixing up pre-arrangements to bury Russ in the back yard in the Garden of the Good, the Evil and the Temporary (and he’s only 42) rather than slabbing him up in the Mausoleum.

    It’s not like Russ asked for the job in Athens anyway but to just let him go like a linebacker coach is an awful act we all should be ashamed of.


    • Puffdawg

      I was thinking about Russ the whole time I was reading that Wed Morn Buffet article asking joe Pa to step down.


    • Russ The Temporary Mascot

      Thanks Dog,

      Just like life, it hasn’t always gone the way I wanted, but it’s been a good ride. I got my 15 minutes, I got to party with Damon, and I got to hang with y’all for a while.

      This weekend, I’m telling AJ and the guys we’re all goin’ out with a winnin’ record so G.A.T.A.!

      One more thing, let those AJC hacks know I’M NOT DEAD YET!

      The article read like an obituary, like I was Bobby Cox or something.


      See ya Sattidy.



      • Puffdawg

        Russ, it was unfortunate that your days as a replacement went about as well as Brooks Conrad’s. However, I think you will always be remembered for winning the 2009 ACC Championship.


      • Dog in Fla

        Partying with Damon has to be the #1 highlight. He knew how to steam. Come to think of it, if you multiply your time on the job by 7, your career was about like Damon’s: short and meteoric but without the buyout.


        • Russ The Temporary Mascot

          After the legal expenses, the “buyout” Damon got might have been enough to buy a used collar and a box of dog biscuits.



  2. Go Dawgs!

    Uga VIII is clear on the administration’s new thoughts on discipline and arrests, right? I don’t want to wake up on Tuesday morning and find out that he’s been suspended for UK and Florida because he wound up in the pound for having expired tags.


    • Puffdawg

      Or God forbid if he urinates in public.

      ESPN.com headline the next day: “UGA representative whips out privates and pees on 50 yard line in front of 90,000”


    • Russ The Temporary Mascot

      He’s a damn good dog and his tags are good, but you know how pups are.

      I know I lose my red shirt on Sattidy, but I still have two years eligibility left.

      I’ll be ready.



      • Scorpio Jones, III

        We’re gonna miss you Russ, you’ve tried your best to hold us together through a tough time, you may not get a stone crypt in Sanford Stadium, but you’ll always have a place in our hearts.

        I bet, when you were chasing Miss Kitty very carefully around Charles’ house, you never thought you were going to be involved in a succession as complicated as the Tudors.

        UGA the eighth I am, I am.


      • Big Bad Bruce

        Russ… get off my bag of ice, you old tainted mutt.


  3. Macallanlover

    Better bury Russ in a shady spot when his time comes, that sorry temp was always on a bag of ice in the damned house when we needed some inspiration the early part of this season. Wouldn’t surprise me to see him tunnel Sonny’s yard up looking for a cool resting place. Good time to transfer the throne to a more deserving dawg. We need a mean, razor-toting Uga for the future if we are to get this ship back on course.


    • Russ The Temporary Mascot

      That cut deep, Mack.

      I can tell you are a real Bulldog Joe.



      • SCDawg

        +1. Russ, promise you’ll come back, even if it’s with a different screen, after your retirement.


      • Scorpio Jones, III

        Dayum Russ, who knew?
        I can see Robert Baker cringing at the McDonalds where he works now.


      • Macallanlover

        Didn’t know you were related to Lewis’ dog from college that could read and speak. Shouldn’t have cheap-shotted you though, talking behind your back. But you were one lazy dawg during gametime, and this record just ain’t gonna cut it. Afriad someone had to be sacrificed, and we need Mark to stay on. Enjoy your end of days, Savannah is very special to me. Now, bring on the Kid!!


  4. Vious

    Great looking dawg

    Damn…much better than the past 2


  5. Reptillicide

    Senator, this might have been your best blog entry heading ever.


  6. dokes

    My God!!! A freshman!!!


  7. No One Knows You're a Dawg

    Just in time for the start of basketball!

    Mark Fox mixing it up (ht PWD):


  8. Vincent Dooley

    We have good depth at dog.


  9. Those who criticize Russ have never been in the arena / dogpound
