Tell me you don’t want to pop open a cold one of these right now.

This has to be one badass beverage, my friends.

(h/t Ezra Klein)


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14 responses to “Tell me you don’t want to pop open a cold one of these right now.

  1. Russ

    Outstanding! I don’t even drink that much beer, but I’ll buy some just to support this awesomeness!


  2. Umich

    want. i want that.


  3. I prefer these beer commercials

    Not meant to be blog spam, but this way you don’t have to login to youtube to watch….


  4. Scott W.

    Monster Truck DeLorean!


  5. Hogbody Spradlin

    Senator, is Hahn’s available in Atl yet?


  6. Dog in Fla

    The ad agency is certainly badass,

    “For maximum superness, grain is “filtered” through a huge speaker system, bashed by body builders, exposed to much Bruce Lee footage, before being brewed in close proximity to a revving monster truck, piped through a drum kit and over a stack of sporting trophies to be stored in a huge vat sporting an enormous sequined Elvis-style rhinestone jacket. Then it’s pumped to a seemingly unreachable beer tap just outside the factory where a suited gent awaits (in a hovering helicopter) ready to pour a pint and give it the thumbs up – displaying a joyous enthusiasm never quite reached by the man from Del Monte.”


  7. What fresh hell is this?

    Why have just one?


  8. Hogbody Spradlin

    Sorry guys. Y’all just don’t rate up to the classics:


  9. Cameron Roberts

    I just like that the Senator got this from Ezra Klein. My two favorite bloggers
