Hello, Newman.

Wayne Knight is both a former Georgia undergrad and a funny guy.

… Are you that nerdy? But you were the mascot of the Georgia football team?
I don’t know where that … that’s one of those interesting things that live on, an IMDb moment from somewhere. I was never the mascot of the Georgia football team.

Really? It made sense to me.
I also said to someone at one point, “I’m taking classes in fixed wing aircraft.” Just to see what would happen — on some NBC interview about eighteen years ago — and it still shows up like it’s solid gold fact. There is no fact-checking on tertiary celebrities. You can say whatever you’d like and it will just rise up again. No, I was never the mascot. The mascot of the University of Georgia is the bulldog. An actual dog. So those who believe it was me in disguise, it’s rather insulting.

Wikipedia’s bought into that story, by the way.


Filed under Georgia Football

23 responses to “Hello, Newman.

  1. Go Dawgs!

    Thank goodness for Kyle Chandler. Nothing against Wayne Knight, who seems to be a perfectly nice guy, but it’s nice to not have him as UGA’s most prominent Hollywood celebrity anymore. Clear eyes, full hearts!


  2. D.N. Nation

    Uh uh uh. You didn’t say the magic word.


  3. Fishwater_UGA

    Oh, the humanity!


  4. Noonan

    He’s pure evil.


  5. bad marinara

    I guess I have to throw away my 1100 boxes of “the Georgia Fightin’ Wayne Knights” T-shirts and underroos. crap.


  6. Saint Johns Dawg

    It appears on one side we have those who believe I was the UGA mascot. However, on the other side we have those who know this is not the truth. I will go with (DING) … Oooo, hot cocoa!


  7. Newmanium

    Vile weed!


  8. Scott W.

    Is it a bad sign that most of the famous UGA attendees are drop-outs?


    • Just Chuck

      Probably means they couldn’t handle the academics. I think all of Tech’s celebrities (there must be some) actually graduated from there. Ergo, Tech is the easier university.


  9. Obnoxiousawg

    I lived with Wayne Knight in Lipscomb Hall at UGA and I can verify he was never a UGA mascot.


  10. Hayduke

    I had no idea that Newman is a Dawg. That’s way too funny!


  11. Ryan Seacrest also went to UGA, but didn’t graduate.
    But I don’t go around broadcasting that.


  12. Debby Balcer

    Dave Haywood, Charles Kelley (both of Lady A) are graduates of UGA as is Deborah Norville of Inside Edition.
