Musical palate cleanser: Your number or your name

Good read on the O’Bannon case from the perspective of a gamer here.  I particularly like this shot of righteous indignation:

But today, even if you believe that a full-ride scholarship is compensation enough for a major college athlete, it is impossible to fully express the contempt that Adidas and the University of Louisville deserve for monetizing the gruesome injury that Kevin Ware suffered in the regional final of this year’s NCAA Tournament. Those … fuckerssold a $25 t-shirt off of it. It goes without saying not a dime went to Ware or to his medical bills, because of the NCAA rules being challenged by Keller and O’Bannon.

I hope their attorneys bought one of these shirts. It should be entered into the record alongside EA’s study. Kevin Ware is a reserve, the definition of the 75 percent that are supposedly just anonymous enough to not be identified by number alone. But the existence of this shirt puts the lie to EA’s 25 percent claim.

The shirt read “Ri5e to the occasion.” That is an unmistakable reference to Ware by his uniform numeral. That slogan—and good job, good effort to Adidas’ well compensated, collar-popping marketers, coining a phrase I saw in my high school’s weight room in 1988—covers its shame with the same-sized fig leaf that Electronic Arts has used for two decades. That shirt is bought because people see a Louisville No. 5 and understand it is Kevin Ware. Similarly, no intelligent person who plays these video games can look at NCAA 13‘s roster and say “Well, QB#2 at Texas A&M is not actually Johnny Manziel.”

NCAA, this one from The Knack goes out to you.  From 1979, it’s their “Your Number Or Your Name”.


Filed under The NCAA

4 responses to “Musical palate cleanser: Your number or your name

  1. DawgPhan

    I can hardly understand why the NCAA sold itself down the river to protect another company.

    The obvious answer is money, but damn could they be this short sighted?


  2. Always Someone Else's Fault

    First thing I thought when I heard about the the t-shirts was “penny wise, pound foolish.” My kid wanted one. I explained that Ware would never see a dime. I think he’s still trying to figure that one out.


  3. DawgPhan

    I also thought that there was some sort of fund setup for ware and that these shirts would fund that…but clearly I was mistaken. good grief they make it so much harder than it should be.
