Jim Delany’s Pandora’s Box

Now we’re getting to the real nitty-gritty.

… We understand there are a lot of schools that want to be Division I. Some of them are reliant on branding in Division I, revenues from the Division I tournament. That was never our objective. Our objective was to create a system of governance we could use to serve our athletes. In the 21st century, it’s painfully obvious we need to change. It’s painfully obvious it’s not all a level playing field, and that a lot of the level-playing field philosophy is under attack. I would rather have us change it than have it not change or change for us.  [Emphasis added.]

Yes, Delany quickly follows that up with “I understand some people think pay for play is right. I do not think pay for play is right. I do not think unions are the answer”, but, seriously, once you’re honest about the reality that the myth of competitive balance is just that and you announce you’re willing to abandon the pretense once and for all, what’s left to justify clinging to the myth of amateurism?


Filed under College Football, The NCAA

5 responses to “Jim Delany’s Pandora’s Box

  1. Scorpio Jones,III

    It is interesting that the key point folks continue to make is the connection between unions and players getting paid, despite the Northwestern kids’ saying that getting paid is not high on their agenda.

    I wonder if the Koch brothers are providing talking points to these people.


  2. He is either clinging to the remnants of a old world view or looking out for a highly lucrative business model.


  3. Dog in Fla

    “[B]randing in Division I, revenues from the Division I tournament. That was never our objective. Our objective was to create a system of governance we could use to serve our athletes.”

    This means that:

    (a.) somebody better get the word out to Steve Patterson stat or

    (b.) Delany, Emmert and Remy have the same joke writer


    • Completely true statement by them Dog. They created a system of governance that did not include actual student athletes, then paid those members of governance very well to administrate their system of governance.


      • Dog in Fla

        Does this mean that Big Jim thinks the opportunity is nowhere to go from the “beatings will continue until morale improves” to “and we go to Happyville instead of to Pain City”?
