6 responses to “Meanwhile, from another planet…

  1. Russ

    Don’t know whether this is funny or sad. Both, I guess. We’re now arguing about who’s less of a scumbag. I do think Freeze wins the scumbag contest between these two, though.


    • Macallanlover

      Definitely agree. Nutt has some peculiarities but he seems no where near Freeze as a scumbag. Wouldn’t want either of them on the UGA sideline, really don’t want Freeze on any college sideline.


  2. Hogbody Spradlin

    Vindication always comes late.


  3. ASEF

    CW says Ole Miss won the news cycle by launching Friday. I’m not so sure.

    The Baylor mess effectively created a mass audience of even casual fans checking regularly for updates – and then Ole Miss fed that audience their 16 Level 1s, 8 for football, 4 for Freeze, and 9 violations total.

    With an infographic that pointed out the school had been working with the NCAA on an investigation for a period of nearly 4 years – you know, the same period that most of the Freeze violations occured within. You have a school working regularly with the NCAA to root out compliance failures – and yet you have a proliferation of compliance failures over that same period. No, the press at learge hasn’t made that connection yet, but eventually the light bulb will go off.

    And the icing on the cake is just how badly the NOA fails to line up with the pre-signing day leaks. Ole Miss had some media members out there who trusted them enough to create favorable headlines. Those bridges are burned.

    I’m guessing by Tuesday the headlines will belong the Indy 500 winner and the NBA finals, so maybe OIe Miss comes out of this a winner relative to dropping this later this summer.

    But it feels like this story took a wicked turn for Freeze Friday.


    • Macallanlover

      I don’t think this is like politics, Ole Miss will be under the hot glare of the spotlight all summer. They cheated, they acted insulted anyone dare think that, then they challenged someone to bring evidence. It looks like they should have kept their mouths shut.


  4. Suite jesus

    What’s funny is Houston’s son Hadeez and Mandy just tied the knot tonight…congrats ,not sure what planet thought
