And then I had to spoil it all…

You know, I actually had some hope that Jason Butt’s article asking each of Georgia’s three remaining gubernatorial candidates about their position on legalized sports betting in this state might offer some intelligent policy discussion on a matter of interest.

Instead, I’m treated to this deep thought:

“I do not support sports betting in Georgia,” Kemp said in a statement. “As a Georgia grad and diehard Dawg fan, losing the national championship was painful enough. Would have been even worse if I had money on the game!”

This has been your regular reminder that we get the politicians we deserve.


Filed under Political Wankery

51 responses to “And then I had to spoil it all…

  1. Derek

    That is the untold truth.

    We are not victims of these idiots. We choose these idiots.


    • ChiliDawg

      We are what we vote for.


    • Anonymous

      That is the best part of having a “Two Party System”. No matter who wins, we all lose! Having to win the primary is what keeps good people from running / getting into office. The fringes are killing us. I wonder the 2016 Presidential election was between Jim Webb and Bill Weld.


      • Amen on Weld, my favorite living American politician.


        • Beave

          I thought this ad of Kemp was a parody at first.


          • ChiliDawg

            It’s 2018, Beave. We live here now.


          • Stoopnagle

            Jesus. I – thankfully – don’t have cable/satellite and rarely turn on the one-eyed glowing monster, so I’d not seen this Kemp ad. He has a big truck for collecting illegals? That part I don’t doubt because he’s a real estate developer. He knows exactly where the migrant workers are because he’s been relying on them his whole career to do the work of building his company has done all over Athens. The only place he’s ever driven migrant workers in the F-350 is from Home Depot to his work sites. What. A. Tool.


            • ChiliDawg

              You’ve just hit on the fundamental hypocrisy of the white nationalist platform. They’re more than happy to take advantage of immigrants when it’s convenient for them – as long as they can blame them for their problems as well. Oh sure, they talk a big game about “America first,” but do you think people like Kemp would have any sort of moral quandry about hiring a crew of undocumented workers to do a job if it would cost him half of what a crew of citizens would? That’s exactly who Donald Trump is. Products made in China and undocumented hotel workers paid cheap, while he gives passionate speeches about how “liberals” want to take your jobs.

              It’d be hilarious if we weren’t all dragged down the toilet with them.


              • Napoleon BonerFart

                Hypocrisy is universal. How many liberals who want to raise taxes so that they’re forced to pay their “fair share” voluntarily contribute money to the government in excess of their tax burden? I’ll go out on a limb and say zero.

                No, paying high taxes is a virtue only if we’re all forced to do it together.


                • Derek

                  We can always count on you to assure us all that a world without stupid is unachievable.

                  If failing to pay excess taxes (which they won’t acccept btw and the IRS would refund overpayment idiot) that’s hypocrisy, tell me what banning guns at the nra convention is?


                • Napoleon BonerFart.

                  Oh look, school’s out and Derek can join the adults.

                  Read my post again, junior, and then look up the word universal. Then you can explain how coercion is virtuous.


                • Macallanlover

                  I doubt DaRek is ever allowed to play with adults, they would beat the crap out of his racist ass. But he never fails to join in the discussions he is most clueless about. What a surprise that his racist buddy Chele is involved. Stick to football guys, at least one of you seems to understand that.


                • Derek

                  Put down the cutty and water down.

                  Also stop eating sheep’s asshole mchaggislover.


                • Napoleon BonerFart.

                  I continue to admire your ability to be so indignant about things you’re completely ignorant of. Here’s a link where people can send gifts to the federal government. Maybe you can convince your parents to donate. Idiot. 😉


                • Derek

                  I appreciate the answer douche.

                  Supporting the idea that the government have the funds to pay for its expenses doesn’t require handing over your life savings in order not to be hypocritical you dumbass.

                  The nra says public places are safer with guns and then bans them at their convention. That’s definitional hypocrisy and you’re an intellectual coward.


                • Napoleon BonerFart.


                • Derek



                • Napoleon BonerFart.

                  Derek, cowardice is refusing to support your own argument. I’ve stated that hypocrisy exists on both the left and the right. You can’t accept that and simply want to argue that it exists on the right. Boring.

                  You’ve also now changed your argument against leftist hypocrisy. First, you adamantly insisted that voluntary contributions to the government weren’t even possible. As usual, I proved you wrong. So now you’re trying to reframe my argument into saying that a leftist should give all their money to the government. It’s an obvious strawman. It’s a child’s argument, which is unsurprising coming from you.

                  And finally, you have to resort to ad honimem attacks on me personally because you can’t make a cogent argument. Butthurt. Obviously butthurt.


                • Derek

                  No. You said as taxes. Failing to donate to support taxes as an argument is the equivamt if daunting if you hate paying taxes you hate the military because you resent paying for it. It’s childish. It’s moronic. It’s painful. It’s fucking stupid.

                  I’ve addressed substantively repeatedly.

                  NRA bans guns at its conventions continues to be met with an innate cowardice that exceeds your inanity.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Ah, so you want to abandon the substance of your argument in favor of arguing semantics? Whatever. You still lose. I didn’t say taxes. I asked how many liberals “voluntarily contribute money to the government in excess of their tax burden?” Read it again and again until you can understand the English words that are on the screen. It shouldn’t be hard, even for a middle schooler.

                  So, the left is just as hypocritical as the right by arguing that we should all want to contribute more money to the government, and then refusing to do it until forced to do so.

                  But it’s always entertaining to see you attempt to come up with a coherent argument. If infinite monkeys banging on typewriters can come up with Shakespeare, surely you can make sense at least once. Come on!


                • ChiliDawg

                  It always amuses me when I come across these childish fantasies of what “liberals” want. You seriously think liberals just want to raise taxes, out of what, spite? I don’t think you actually know any liberals.Most would like tax reform, just the kind that actually benefits the middle class (who bears the largest burden of taxes in this country), and not the richest people in America who do not need it, while saddling the country with more debt that’s passed on to the middle class or neglecting investment in things that we need, like improvements in infrastructure, education and public healthcare options.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  I think the motivation for liberals to raise taxes varies. Some want to out of spite. Some just want more and more power for the government. Some just believe their politicians when they argue that the world will stop spinning if we can’t squeeze the American public for a few more bucks.

                  No, I don’t think liberals give a rat’s ass about debt. Those who can understand math know that the country doesn’t have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem. And what is the liberal answer to every problem? Spending!

                  The USA has tripled education spending over the last 40 years. And student performance has remained flat. What’s the liberal answer? MORE MONEY!!! Why, if you don’t support spending a gazillion dollars per student, you just hate kids.

                  And that’s the logic on everything. The federal budget has ballooned since WW2. And what’s the problem? Not enough spending! Why rely on voluntary transactions between private parties to get what they value when we can just use the waste, inefficiencies, and violence of government to do the same job, only worse? It’s enough to make a liberal’s heart swell.


        • ChiliDawg

          Agreed. I don’t think it would have made a difference if the Johnson/Weld ticket had been reversed, because tribalists gonna tribal, but goddamn have we ever needed a Bill Weld more than we need him right now? Too liberal for conservatives and too conservative for liberals. He’s perfect.


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            Anybody that endorses Hillary isn’t conservative. The liberaltarians have taken over the LP and surrendered the gains Ron Paul earned.


            • He endorsed Clinton because he was staunchly opposed to Trump.

              Historically, he’s been fiscally conservative and socially liberal.


              • Napoleon BonerFart


                Weld is more of a moderate “socially liberal, fiscally conservative” type, with “fiscally conservative” defined by Massachusetts standards and with “socially liberal” defined in terms a Michael Bloomberg could embrace. That may well be better than the average Republican officeholder of 1991, but when it comes to the 2016 race…well, if I wanted to elect an Iraq hawk for gun control, I could vote for Hillary Clinton.


              • Anonymous

                Bill Weld did not endorse Hillary Clinton. He said that if you would not vote for the Johnson / Weld ticket, he thought you should vote for Clinton over Trump. That is very different from an endorsement. The pro-Trump people are the ones that have claimed he endorsed her ad nauseum.


                • Napoleon BonerFart.

                  If by, “pro-Trump people,” you mean libertarians, then you are correct. Quite a few folks were unhappy with his non-endorsement endorsements of Hillary. Only someone as tepid as Weld could believe that the Clinton machine got a raw deal in the election.


                • Anonymous

                  If by “libertarians” you mean “muh based MAGApede libertarians”, then you are correct. No one that voted for Johnson / Weld goes apeshit about about Weld having a different opinion in the “who is worse” game.


                • Napoleon BonerFart.

                  So you would place Lew Rockwell in the Trump supporter camp? There aren’t any libertarians unwilling to hold their nose and vote for a big government insider like Weld? Agree to disagree.


                • Anonymous

                  Lew didn’t vote for Johnson / Weld, so my point still stands. Lew is the raging racist that wrote Ron Paul’s newsletter BTW. If you are delusional enough to think that Bill Weld is the in “Big Government” camp and that Trump is a Libertarian, you need to back to investigating Comet Ping-Pong Pizza. Y’all will catch those (((pedophiles))) eventually.


                • Napoleon BonerFart.

                  I never claimed Trump was a libertarian. You claimed libertarians who don’t like Weld are Trump supporters. That’s stupid. Ron Paul supporters also don’t like Weld. And yeah, I guess there were a few racially insensitive things in Paul’s newsletter 30 years ago. And that’s totally worse than increasing spending and supporting foreign wars for no reason, like Weld, eh?


                • Anonymous

                  You claimed libertarians who don’t like Weld are Trump supporters.

                  No, I did not. here is a copy of what I actually claimed. “The pro-Trump people are the ones that have claimed he endorsed her ad nauseum.” Don’t pretend that people said something they different from what they actually said.


                • Napoleon BonerFart.

                  Whatever. You’re still wrong. Many libertarians, such as Rockwell, pointed out Weld’s endorsements of Hillary. So, no, it wasn’t just the Trump camp who were underwhelmed with Weld’s campaign.


            • ChiliDawg

              Anybody that supports Trump isn’t conservative.

              And libertarians have always been socially liberal, and that includes Ron Paul. The only people who were ever confused on that point were Republicans who wrongly identified as “libertarians” because they thought it sounded edgy, and smoking pot sounded like fun. Those same people have never understood the concept of libertarian ideology. Consequently, they’re also full on statists. Reliably so. They just want big government to oppress others, not them.


              • Napoleon BonerFart

                I agree that Trump, much like Hillary, is a New York liberal. But the LP hasn’t tacked left to peel voters away from the GOP. Most Republicans don’t even foster much opposition on social issues these days.

                But you are correct that the liberaltarians want big government. They just want government slightly less big than it is now. They don’t want to go crazy and sell out for liberty. Maybe just cut income taxes by 5% and commit to end the wars in the Middle East by 2028.


          • Not only that, but he’s one of the few remaining pols out there who’s honorable.

            In March 1988, Weld resigned from the Justice Department, together with United States Deputy Attorney General Arnold Burns and four aides, in protest of improper conduct by U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese.[13] In July 1988, Weld and Burns jointly testified before Congress in favor of a potential prosecution of Meese for his personal financial conduct, following a report by a special prosecutor investigating Meese.[13] Meese resigned from office in July 1988 shortly after Weld’s and Burns’ testimony.[13]

            He’s got a sense of humor, he’s a novelist and he’s the kind of guy who enjoys a drink or two. My kind of pol.


      • Derek

        The country club republicans and the free traders and the actual ideological conservatives in this country could have stayed home. That they didn’t in 2016 is the most disappointing thing.

        I’m not running out and voting for Bernie because I don’t like the other side. I’m also not stupid enough to vote third party when Mussolini.v.2 in orange is on the ballot.

        The fringes suck but the middle has to be responsible too.


        • Napoleon BonerFart.

          Heh. Let me know when you can identify a position Trump takes that Hillary have been against. Except maybe denuclearization in Korea.


          • Derek


            “Good people on both sides.”

            Russia allowed back into g7.

            Tax breaks for the rich that we can’t afford.

            Ballooning deficits instead of shrinking deficits.

            Cutting CHIPS.

            Deregulation of the financial markets.

            Elimination of the EPA in substance.

            Walking away from Iran deal over objections of allies and no plan b.


            Dozens and dozens of federal judges that value money and power over people.


            • ChiliDawg

              mic drop


            • Napoleon BonerFart

              Tariffs are bad, because free trade is good. And Russia in the G7 is bad, because free trade is bad … or something.

              Here’s a more concise summary of your argument.


              • Derek

                You are too dumb to spend any time on. You can’t separate two ideas from another.

                I’m assuming in your pea brain that your either “free trade” OR your “anti-free trade” depending upon whether you’d support cutting off the supply of steel to Nazi germany. Can’t be both in your mind because you’re so stupid the fact that you can tell one letter from another while your typing is a miracle.

                And you are a coward.

                Stupid and weak is no way to go through life son.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Yeah, you’re just the guy to judge others morals. We’ve already established that you subscribe to evil notions. And things like economic engagement and diplomacy are only good for Iran, which are good guys, and not Russia, which are bad guys, right? The only consistency you hold to is that whatever Trump does must be bad. No more nukes in North Korea? Boo! The people of the world better off because of increased trade with Russia? Hiss!

                  Besides, school’s in session. You’ll get in trouble if your teacher catches you spewing stupidity on the internet instead of onto your class papers. Catch you later, kiddo.


          • ChiliDawg

            … tearing up the DREAM Act
            – Creating a new policy of separating children from their parents at the border and putting them in detention camps as a “deterrent” for people seeking asylum
            – Validating and supporting Russia’s invasion and annexation of Crimea
            – Appointing cabinet members to key roles in which they have no relevant experience with the explicit goal of undermining those departments
            – Alienating allies we’ve been close with since WW2 to appease hostile regimes
            – Sabotaging NAFTA
            – Politicizing the DOJ and waging a propaganda war to discredit the FBI
            – Elevating someone responsible for America’s dark foray into torture tactics to a position of leadership at the CIA

            … you can really go on forever.


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      Well, not always. Sometimes, superdelegates choose these idiots.

      Liked by 1 person


    I’ve been telling yall…they are looking after us…


  3. Bright Idea

    No governor or legislator has the wits to write gambling legislation with a taxing mechanism. It is easier to oppose it on moral grounds. Until neighboring states do it and succeed and create a model to copy, Georgia won’t do it. These 3 are no Zell Millers who convinced Georgians to support a lottery.


  4. Someone once said “The only thing worse than betting on the losing Super Bowl team is not betting on the Super Bowl”. I guess it wasn’t Kemp who said that.


  5. No Axe to Grind

    What did you expect?


  6. Macallanlover

    I don’t care if Georgia, or dozens of other states, legalize sports betting. The biggest boom in this area I see is the Feds are more likely to stop the silly crackdown on US betting sites via the internet. Driving the money offshore was a silly rule that stopped no one from placing internet bets; it just made it more difficult. I feel much more comfortable placing a bet with a Vegas, or Mississippi, site than one based in the islands or Europe. Also, internet bets can be for as little as a dime, quarter, or one dollar, bets no bookie would ever waste their time on. Opens the door for more to enjoy a “friendly wager” and will ultimately remove the stigma so long associated with betting on sports. Not sure how, or when, this will take place but fully expect it to happen.
