Your 3.31.21 Playpen

If stupid is as stupid does, which of these two geniuses wins?

Mr. A?

When police showed up at Garret Miller’s Dallas home earlier this year to arrest him on charges that he had participated in the Capitol riot, his wardrobe spoke for itself.

The 34-year-old unemployed man, who allegedly forced his way into the U.S. Capitol building and threatened a congresswoman and a police officer, was clad in a T-shirt emblazoned with a photograph of former president Donald Trump and text declaring: “I Was There, Washington D.C., January 6, 2021.”

(Hard to believe someone that sharp doesn’t have a job.  Also, the only thing that would have made this better would have been for one of the cops to have worn an “I’m With Stupid” t-shirt when they perp walked him to the police car.)

Or Mr. B?

A mafia fugitive has been caught in the Caribbean after appearing on YouTube cooking videos in which he hid his face but inadvertently showed his distinctive tattoos.

Marc Feren Claude Biart, 53, led a quiet life in Boca Chica, in the Dominican Republic, with the local Italian expat community considering him a “foreigner”, police said in a statement on Monday.

He was betrayed by a YouTube channel in which he showed off his Italian cooking skills. The videos never showed his face, but the tattoos on his body gave him away, they said.

(Gotta sing, gotta dance, gotta cook.  I hope he keeps it going in prison.)

Anyway, the floor is yours.  Comment away.


Filed under GTP Stuff

156 responses to “Your 3.31.21 Playpen

  1. scottrollins

    Is there a Darwin award for those who don’t die? If so, both these guys get at least a nomination.


  2. classiccitycanine

    It’s got to be Mr. A right? At least B tried to cover up.


  3. Mr. A is a dumb@$$.

    Mr. B is an idiot.

    Can we call it a tie because they were equally stupid for different reasons?


  4. gurkhadawg

    They are both mere amateurs compare to that old fool Biden.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Derek

      No reasonable person would believe that you are being factual.

      Liked by 7 people

    • Russ

      This is how you Playpen.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Cry ‘Havoc!’, and let slip the dogs of war!

        Liked by 2 people

      • Got Cowdog

        I’ve kind of missed it. Wednesdays are typically spent at my desk and the spirited debate helps pass the time.

        Liked by 1 person

        • RangerRuss

          It’s after 4. I’m soaking ass wet from helping my main helper wash trucks. Time to crank up Dogs Of War by The Floyd and break the seal on this Black shit. Then go be a helper’s help some more…


          • RangerRuss

            Been awhile since I listened to that. Not The Floyd’s best effort. Saved by the sax riff. I could dance to it. I’ll give it an 82.
            The Scotch? Could’ve used some ice. It comes in a glass bottle so there’s that. Warmed my guts then bones. Made me want to dance. I’ll give it a 94.


            • bigjohnson1992

              It’s impossibly tough to follow dark side, wish, animals, and the wall. Decent album overall. The ninja level creative juices might have been tapped out by then. Kinda like following the coaching legend when he retires.

              Liked by 1 person

              • RangerRuss

                Deep in my dreams and I still her calling
                “If you’re alone I’ll come ho ho hooome”

                St Tropez from Meddle is one Floyd song that makes me want to relax on a warm beach with a stout, fruity rum drink sporting a tiny umbrella. Has sorta that Abbey Road feel to it.
                DoW? Not so much. More agitating than anything.


          • Got Cowdog

            I’m headed home shortly. The missus has on-line bible study tonight so I’m
            playing kitchen wench. After all the food talk today I can’t decide if I want pasta or fried pork chops with farm veggies for dinner. Either way I’ll have a splash of JWB myself while I think it over.

            Liked by 1 person

            • RangerRuss

              Fried chops are the bomb, baby. I’m chilled, so it’s chicken soup for me. 63 degrees is not cold. But I was wet for a few hours. That drink sapped the life out of me.
              I’ve been the cook since I was at UGA. A friend once inquired why I cooked.
              “So we don’t have to eat my cooking”, my wife chimed in. I’m not a chef by any means. But I’m competent, don’t use too much salt and rarely burn things when I’m sober.


              • Got Cowdog

                63 and wet is cold enough.
                I’m an unrepentant kitchen nerd. My wife is not allowed in the kitchen. The rest of the house is hers, but the kitchen is mine.

                Liked by 1 person

    • chopdawg

      Methinks history will show the biggest fool of all was Mr A’s boss D,JD oops I meant DJT


    • PTC DAWG

      Watch that first step.


    • gurkhadawg

      When I read the post, I thought of this scene also.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Got Cowdog

        Ditto, but RR’s post reminded me of something: One of my Uncles did what I’ll politely call an “experiment” with a grass-fed beef, had it slaughtered right off the pasture. Of course, the pasture was full of wild onions and garlic so guess what the “grass fed” beef tasted like?
        Trust me, you’d prefer to add your seasonings during the cooking process…

        Liked by 2 people

        • RangerRuss

          Fresh milk tainted with onions is not a flavor I enjoyed on my cornflakes.

          Liked by 1 person

          • RangerRuss

            I never cared for unpasteurized milk what with the odd flavors and the threat of Brucellosis.
            Except for one memorable time.
            I helped Donald Horn’s dad (no relation to Horndog Hans) build a barbed wire fence one Saturday while a senior at UGA. Mr Horn gave my roomDawg and me each a gallon of fresh Jersey cow milk in return. He told us we needed to drink it quickly.
            So we got some vanilla Breyers ice cream, Hershey’s chocolate syrup and with the help of Mr Bong we polished off two gallons of the finest, richest tasting milk I ever drank. Probably the only alcohol-free weekend I experienced since I was fifteen.
            Maybe the last alcohol-free weekend too, come to think of it.

            Liked by 3 people

            • Got Cowdog

              Uncle’s herd bull kept getting out to go visit the neighbors cows because well, you know. Uncle got a belly-full of it and did away with him. I thought he hauled him to an abattoir, Got Sr. swears he shot him in the pasture THEN hauled him to an abattoir. (Which actually would be more in character) Either way, not only did it have a funky, gamey, oniony taste the meat was so tough you couldn’t chew it. They ended up throwing it away. That being said…on eating clean?
              I generally have good luck with what we produce around the farm, typically I have way more than we can eat or process. We have a deal with a neighbor where we get pasture raised pork, harvest a deer or two every year, and fish out of the pond. This weekend I’m putting in a henhouse. I’ve been kicking around the idea of putting in a feed lot to raise a couple of beeves, but can’t quite make it pay right now. Eating doesn’t get much cleaner than that and I’m fortunate to have a place to be able to do it.

              Liked by 1 person

              • RangerRuss

                Was taking a dirt road shortcut across hwy 22 and came upon Dr Brubaker Sr trying to get a cow up. Seems his bull was working overtime and the cow wasn’t being serviced as quickly as she desired, so she was jumping the fence. Brought to mind Marisa Tormei in My Cousin Vinnie. Her biological clock was ticking.
                Yeah you’re fortunate. Nothing like knowing where your food came from. Free range brown eggs seem to have a richer yolk. Cakes baked with them are simply better.


    • RangerRuss

      I found some garlic growing wild in a cow pasture. Big, fresh, juicey bulbs. Sliced it so thin you could read the paper through it. Sauteed in olive oil and butter, dipped fresh Italian bread in it. I was vampire-proof for a couple of days. My friends smelled the garlic issuing from me next day at work. Exquisite flavor. Thanks to Goodfellas for the idea.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Just tell me B was teaching how to make sauce

    Liked by 3 people

  6. KornDawg

    Mr. A is just a goddamn idiot. I don’t think the shirt really proves anything, but the multiple social media posts sure do. Equivalent to robbing a bank and taking a selfie of yourself with a gun to the teller’s head. He deserves every minute he spends behind bars and then some.

    Mr B is pretty dumb, too, but Mr. A wins.


  7. Got Cowdog

    Is it too early to open a good red and start some pasta? It’ll be ready by lunch…


    • RangerRuss

      I got up at 0400 one morning and made a sauce(gravy?) from scratch starting with fresh, homegrown romas and garlic. Literally spent twelve hours cooking it down, adding spices and finally homemade Italian-style meatballs at the end.
      Wife exclaimed, “This is great! It tastes like Ragu.”
      She was correct. I reckon those corporate fellows are successful for a reason. Henceforth spaghetti comes from a jar around here.

      Liked by 5 people

      • but no chemicals and such, so its healthier at the least.

        Liked by 1 person

        • RangerRuss

          DammitChuckDawg! Never took you for a gotdamn hippie.


          Liked by 2 people

          • Liking good natural food makes me a child of G*d, not a hippie. lol. I actually come from a body building point of view – eat pure and clean.

            Liked by 2 people

            • RangerRuss

              You got that right, buddy. It may have been only in my mind, but I always seemed to feel better when I wasn’t ingesting preservatives along with cordite and JP-4 fumes and then working out.
              To see me now you’d have a hard time believing how I hard I worked at being in peak physical condition. Age and infirmities along with a forced sedentary role in the company has taken its toll on me.
              “You know how I got these scars?”


              • When I got diagnosed Type 2, and made more money on salary, I ate about as pure as possible. I didnt stop eating, but i cut out all processed foods and chemicals/preservatives, and drank water mostly. I never stopped eating, but I lost about 20 lbs, and my pain was reduced, and my stomach just felt good. But, it took money and time. I did eat frozen foods some, but only if the ingredients were “spinach” for example, nothing else. I ate potatoes plenty, with real butter and salt/pepper, but no french fries. Just ate pure and clean. It worked. No junk either (candy, sugars), and limited dairy.

                Liked by 1 person

            • jdawg108

              This. Natural and the way it was made should be a celebration of God’s creation.

              Liked by 2 people

  8. bucketheridge

    I think we’re being a bit harsh on Mr. B.

    Do you really expect a 54 year old Italian mobster to realize that the Italian FBI, or snitches, are scanning youtube for wanted men with tattoos?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. So what’s the over-under on when Biden steps down and Harris takes over? They already started officially referring to this presidency as the Biden-Harris administration. I got the under on 18 months.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. 123 Fake St

    Stupid is as stupid does.


  11. TN Dawg

    Too bad the FBI couldn’t round up the known radical Islamist that blew away 10 people in Texas.

    At least they got Billy Bob the Trump supporter.

    Liked by 2 people

    • RangerRuss

      Ya think? The Feds can’t stop a Syrian refugee with a known social media-proclaimed hatred of America from shooting up a grocery store or a twisted redneck with sexual hang ups from slaughtering the objects of his maniacal derision. So disarming law-abiding citizens is the left’s solution.

      Liked by 2 people

    • The FBI understands that wypipo are the root of all evil.


      • TN Dawg


        Yes, that’s the current narrative, isn’t it.

        White folks are responsible for black people attacking Asian folks.

        Of course the goal is to create yet another, minority sub-class to ingratiate to the Democrat Party.

        Gonna be difficult. Asian cultures are high achievers, with a high sense of honor and dignity. They really don’t have much use for considering themselves victims, it’s dishonorable to them.

        They also are probably the most racially biased culture. Ask Hines Ward about that.

        Hopefully the left will find some suburban, white wine-moms to speak on behalf of the Asian community to really give this thing legs.


        • Derek

          “Asian cultures are high achievers, with a high sense of honor and dignity. They really don’t have much use for considering themselves victims, it’s dishonorable to them.”

          As opposed to whom Mr. Grand Wizard?


          • Derek

            Conservatives don’t do identity politics, amirite?


            • Of course. They’re racist! We’ve established that.

              Why should taxes be lower? Racism! Why should parents be free to choose their children’s school? Racism!

              There is literally no other explanation, except for Russian espionage.


          • TN Dawg

            As opposed to other cultures, including whites.


            • TN Dawg

              There is a reason that Ivy League schools have to curate their admissions to make sure Asians aren’t overrepresented.

              It’s because their cultures place a significant emphasis on achievement.

              And they view mixed-race children with great contempt.

              If you wanna find a racially pure society that is male dominated and religiously intolerant, you’d probably be best off skipping the trailer park full of Trump supporters and go look at China.

              Not one minority or female has ever served in the Upper Politburo.

              Uighur Muslims are forced into labor camps for re-education. They imprison homosexuals. Christian missionaries are expelled from the country or imprisoned.

              But it doesn’t matter. Because virtue signalers like yourself don’t really care about racism, homophobia, race-superiority or any of those other topics you choose to wield as a bludgeon against those you disagree with. You just like to use them to label people for a sense of moral superiority and conversational dominance.

              That’s why you are laughable.


              • Derek

                I believe in these words in the Declaration of Independence:

                “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.“

                People of your ilk never have and never will accept them. You find the very notion of equality laughable. In your stated view some peoples/cultures are superior and thus some are also inferior. You think members of each should be treated better or worse as the reputation of their group may dictate while I think all people should be treated as individuals and upon their own individual merit or lack thereof. This is why you take sides with the traitor, treason, terror cult and not with the literal words of our egalitarian founders.

                Have a good Mr. Grand Wizard.


                • TN Dawg


                  I’ve made no declaration of superiority, I merely pointed that Asian cultures place a greater emphasis on high achievement, honor and dignity, which is demonstrably true and recognized by every sociologist worth any salt.

                  I also noted that China is a misogynistic, homophobic, religiously oppressive nation that keeps great portions of its nation as chattel labor.

                  I noted that Koreans, in particular view mixed race children with great contempt.

                  I could go into the Caste system in India, but you wouldn’t really understand.

                  Out of that you conclude “superiority”.

                  But not really. You are a low-intellect, non-thinking shit parrot that simply regurgitates “Racism! Racism!” at whatever target wanders past, because it’s the only word you handlers have taught you.

                  Silly simpleton.


              • You just don’t understand the tolerance of leftist individualists like Derek. See, white people have disadvantaged black people. And we all know that black people respond to economic stimulus like dumb animals. They’re not responsible for their own actions. White people are.

                If you believe that black people have personal agency and can be poor without attacking Asian people, that makes you a racist. Mr. Grand Wizard.


              • Derek


                The point is:

                So what?

                You can make broad generalizations about lots of groups of people. What does that tell you about an individual? If the group tells you nothing about the individual then who gives a fuck about your (or anyone’s) generalizations?

                Example: I find most UGA fans to be intelligent, decent human beings who I would gladly enjoy a beer and talk georgia football with. And then there’s boner.


                The generalizations don’t help. They only cause problems. They have no place in discussions of domestic public policy period.

                Because they don’t matter. And shouldn’t.

                You shouldn’t be a pos who gets buoyed by your happening to belong to a favored group and you shouldn’t be weighed down either if the inverse is true.

                There is a time and place for the discussion you want to have:

                A cross burning or a tiki torch rally or at an insurrection. .


  12. gotthepicture

    Wait, so Antifa printed t-shirts for the riots?


  13. 3rdandGrantham

    I would just like to apologize to you, Derek, for my somewhat harsh comments towards you yesterday. Most here would agree that you are an interesting cat who lives for debating, and I should have just brushed your comments off as you being you instead of digging a bit deeper later on. While I probably wouldn’t desire to have you as my neighbor or anything, I actually regretted ripping on you a bit.

    As for idiots and general stupidity, this may come off as a bit arrogant, but I long ago adopted the notion that 50% of the people in this country simply aren’t all that bright, thus nothing fazes me much anymore when I see/hear/read about dumb people doing dumb things. Now, that 50% figure is very broad rule of thumb I came up with, but either way I’m far happier as a result, as I simply have a mindset that I expect fairly little from others, thus I’m rarely disappointed at the end of any given day. Oh, Guy A takes the cake, FWIW.


    • Derek

      Join us misanthropes!

      No need to apologize. I may take facts, opinions and public matters seriously but never ME. I don’t give a fuck!

      Like me. Don’t like me. Don’t care. My feelings aren’t involved. Except perhaps anger. That emotion tends to appear and have its way.

      The only thing I would say about people, and they are dumb, is that as a proponent of government for, of and by the people we have to encourage people to:

      1) participate
      2) understand they get what they deserve whether they do or not.

      Opt outs and its all rigged and they’re both the same, continue to erode our faith in OUR government and to what end? Anarchy? Secession? Dictatorship?

      It is only through those two things that we can let Darwin do the work and get better as a people. Any suggestion that we need to be ruled because we are a stupid lot insults my intelligence and makes me very angry.


      • 3rdandGrantham

        Okay great. Given this and getting back to my ‘wouldnt want you as my neighbor’ remark, does this mean I can quip about you not being able to afford to be my neighbor without triggering a hostile reaction?


        • Derek

          Where did I suggest that a lack of hostility was even possible?

          There will be hostility. Doesn’t mean you were out of bounds or need to apologize.

          Let it fly!


          • RangerRuss

            Fear not, dear Derek. Jesus loves you and will protect you. Some gun-toting misanthrope pulls a piece on you and he’ll take it away, stick it up the redneck’s ass and pull the trigger ’til it goes “click”.


  14. Derek

    Question for the private sector good, gubmit bad folks:

    If an adult is eligible for a vaccine, has a vaccine available to them and chooses not to get vaccinated AND then later is infected with covid should their private insurance (or government based insured) say “too bad stupid, you’re outta luck.”

    Seems like a good lesson that the world is harsh and people get what they deserve based on the choices they make.

    Now lets see you idiots flail and backtrack and whataboutism away.


    • We should tax unvaccinated people just the same as fat people.


    • Derek

      First flail is done!

      Who’s next?

      Liked by 2 people

      • Derek

        Btw: if there was a shot that was 95% effective at ending obesity and you refused to take it, for no other reason than you’re part of Sidney Powell’s/Tucker Carlson’s unreasonable audience, then fuck you and your fat related diseases.


        • It’s worse than that, dude. The cure to obesity requires no medication whatsoever. No waiting months or years for medication, and then hoping it works for you.

          Also, it just so happens that obesity is one of the worst comorbidities for C19 deaths. People under 75 at healthy weight rarely die from C19.

          But I was just curious to see if you viewed unhealthy behavior as harshly as you view failure to obey.


    • Question for the gubmit good, private sector bad folks:

      If bureaucrats and politicians invoke a plan to defeat C19 and the result of that plan is mass misery, increased excess deaths from suicide, drug abuse, bankruptcies, AND no decrease of C19 deaths compared to other jurisdictions that took less active measures, should the government say, “too bad stupid, you’re outta luck?”

      Seems like a lesson could be learned. Or would idiots just make excuses and flail?


    • Derek

      And we have a dodge! A whataboutism!

      For those who are literate, the question is:

      If you refuse a vaccine should an insurer, private or gubmit, have the right to not pay for the natural and probable consequences of your stupidity?


      • So you don’t want to answer? Better to bitch about hypothetical insurance premiums than address millions of actual deaths? Not surprising.

        It’s probably the fault of those dead people for getting sick in the first place. If they had any sense, they would have isolated themselves on their private yachts with their private physicians.


      • Derek

        Again, this question is addressed to people who are literate.


    • PTC DAWG

      I think that should be up to each individual insurance company. 3 months notice should suffice..maybe 6.


      • Derek

        Exactly right. Once its universally available, the insurers should say, “get it or don’t get sick. If you don’t, you’re fucked.”


  15. In other news, I literally can’t even.


  16. Derek

    If they checked Georgia voters for hearts and/or brain function how many conservatives would be disqualified?

    Can’t have that.

    Its important that voters trust elections that the GQP lied and told them they couldn’t trust. Literally no reasonable person would believe that nonsense, but they gotta change the law else the morons who believed them won’t trust the elections, until they lose again. And then they lie again. And then they riot and invade the Capitol. And then they say “you believed that shit?”

    Liked by 1 person

    • We’ve already established that only elections where Republicans win are untrustworthy. That’s why Hillary should have been president and Stacey Abrams should have been governor. Other elections are completely safe. Unless you have to prove you’re an eligible voter in order to vote. That would turn a safe election into an unsafe one.


    • Derek

      Russia if you’re listening, help me win and you’ll be rewarded, richly.


      • We have to stay on guard so that Russia can’t hack future elections like they did the last one. Well, not the last one, but the one before that. That one was totally hacked in favor of their spy since birth. Trump was actually created in a lab in Moscow as the ultimate sleeper agent. But they only needed him for the one term. They didn’t want to give away the game by hacking two elections in a row by using verifiable voters.

        Only by ensuring that ineligible voters can vote will we be be confident that our elections are secure against Russian hacking. As long as Democrats win.


  17. TripleB

    A is dumber, but B should know better. Mafia guys ought to avoid the internet.


  18. rigger92

    This playpen = my faith in humanity. “Being weak when one should be strong leads to having to be cruel when one should be kind.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Got Cowdog

      How’s tricks, Rigger? You haven’t been around so I assume you’ve been busy…


      • RangerRuss

        So you’d like to shoot a British .303, Uncle Got? I have two. Inherited an SMLE Mk III made at the Lithgow Small Arms Factory, Australia in 1944. It has a sporterized synthetic stock with riflings that look so new they’d cut you. This is not a rifle my dad would’ve bought. He most likely took it in lieu of a month’s rent. It’s a shooter for sure and would make an excellent deer rifle.
        T’other is a No.4 Mk1 made at the Royal Ordnance Factory Maltby, England. All original with faded yellow lettering on the wood stock and riflings worn, leading me to believe it spent the Second Great War as a training weapon. It had been neglected and required quite a bit of elbow grease to bring it up to standard. It was a gift from a fellow who I later gifted a Colt .38 snub nose.
        I had only a passing interest in the SMLE until you piqued my curiosity. Did some online research and learned a great deal about a weapon that served the Commonwealth as their main battle rifle for over sixty years. Now I’m determined to shoot at least the Aussie rifle. I have a few boxes of surplus hardball but question its reliability. I’ll pick up a couple boxes of FMJ and a box of hunting ammo at the LGS. I trust you have my gmail and will contact me when you feel like shooting. Email and other commo can be sketchy here in Hillbilly Windstream territory.
        Maybe we can try the WW1 volley fire once we become comfortable with the weapon. That was an interesting concept the British were laying down and the bloody Boche were picking up in 1914.


        • Got Cowdog

          I would. There’s a reason it had such longevity, I’d like to give one a whirl and find out why for myself. If I understand correctly, it has ballistics similar to the .30-.30, with the longer barrel and weight of a full stocked rifle I would think it’s soft shooting and steady. I had an old Mauser ’98 that had been sporterized(?). That action was slick as glass, but couldn’t hit the side of a barn with it. I figured the barrel was shot out and traded it for one of the belted magnums that are way too much gun for anything I’m likely to shoot at. Thinking back it may have needed a good cleaning and a better operator…
          I’ve always been fascinated with the weapons of that era. I’d love to get my hands on an ’03 Springfield as well.


        • Got Cowdog

          I don’t have your contact info, I’d rather not post mine. The best way would probably be to email the Senator and let him know its ok to share via email. I doubt seriously he wants to be a meet-up broker for commenters but maybe he’ll make an exception…


          • RangerRuss

            The Senator and I corresponded last Friday and he agreed to release my gmail to you. Might’ve been a bug on your end.
            Shiiiit, he didn’t even tell us to get a room.


            • Got Cowdog

              Ah hell, I figured he’d a told us to knock it off a long time ago. I’ll hit him up tomorrow, it may be buried in my inbox.
              You mentioned Broad River…


            • RangerRuss

              I have a primo Smith-Corona/Springfield 03A3. I have all the US battle rifles since the late unpleasantness except that .30-40 Krag. Only held one of those and in retrospect, should’ve bought it.


          • Got Cowdog

            You call it “Comanche Watch”, We (the bird dog) and I call it a “Night Tour”. She’s been acting squirrelly around this time of night the past couple of days. I’m hanging out with the Green light to see what it is. Racoon, probably…


            • RangerRuss

              Keep your head on a swivel out there at night. You’re still on top of the food chain around here, especially when you’re strapped. Having a dog greatly increases your awareness of course. But there’s always that wandering bear or pack of ‘yotes looking for a target of opportunity. They think as Mel Gibson in The Patriot, “Dog is a fine meal”.
              Seriously, keep an eye out for rabid animals. Pal less than a mile away killed a rabid coon in his yard last night.


              • Got Cowdog

                No worries. She’s quiet, it’s windy and the temp is dropping. Most everything but me and you are bedded down, I’m guessing. Sleep well.


            • RangerRuss

              I do miss having a dog next to me. You know exactly why. Things have changed around here though. I used to step out and call my free range heeler-yallerdog mix and Angie would come running with three or four of her pals. All fixed, so they have didn’t have those type of conflicts. Dominance scraps occasionally. No real injuries or permanent bad feelings. They saved that bloodlust for the vermin. Coons, possums, rodents, beavers and sometimes a weak fawn were dealt with. Didn’t have issues with vehicle damage, grill grates upended, trees gnawed on or strawberries denuded. Damn armadillo didn’t stand a chance.
              Those fine fellers all passed ten or twelve years ago. New folks have moved in with their anthropomorphized carpet carps. Good dogs mostly, but I don’t get to know them. They stretch their leash so I can scratch their ears on their daily walks. Some have fenced in yards and keep the immediate varmints under control. Meanwhile, only the exploding population of foxes keeps the rodents under control. Never seen so many of those. I had to pop one for getting too familiar last year. Armadillos breed unchecked.
              I reckon I’ll get a fence and a yard carp. My two young cats, the Tremor Brothers, are doing a decent job of rat and chipmunk control. They eat squirrel and rabbit offal. Although they provide visual warning and growl when creatures approach and could begin to kill squirrels, they’ll never fill that vacancy a dog occupies. Got to find the right dog and train it up. Then I could sleep better.


  19. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  20. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  21. Don in Mar-a-Lago
