About Me

I’m a Georgia Bulldog football fan who holds these truths to be self-evident:

(1) any college sport, up to and including synchronized swimming (is that even a college sport?), is more entertaining than the professional equivalent;

(2) to paraphrase Churchill, the BCS is the worst form of deciding a national football champion except for all those others that have been tried;

(3) it’s a sadder world without Lewis Grizzard in it; and

(4) “Dooley’s Junkyard Dawgs” is the greatest college football song ever.

76 responses to “About Me

  1. Senator,

    Where did you get this? I’m a reporter for the local paper in Conyers, and would be very interested in hearing more about the ‘Cocks’ trophy missing in Conyers.

    Jay Jones
    Rockdale Citizen
    w: 770-483-7108, ext. 249


  2. Jay: The article about the story is linked in my post that you saw. The reporter’s number is at the end of the article.


  3. Great blog! Nice work. I’ve added you to my blog list on my blog (http://hottytoddyblog.blogspot.com)


  4. James Brown would dig Metal Machine Music Live performed by Zeitkratzer and Lou Reed –


  5. Great article. I recently added a blog to my website where I have been discussing the very same topic. I’d like to add your site to my blogroll and would appreciate you doing the same with my BCSBusters site. Excellent Site!


  6. Thanks for the kind words. I’ve updated my blogroll to add your site. (There’s a lot to absorb there, I might add!)


  7. Site looks good. I’ve added you to my SEC blog. (http://deadguysecpicks.blogspot.com/)



  8. I appreciate that, DG, and returned the favor here. Good site you’ve got.


  9. excellent analysis on the games. I will add you to my links. Keep up the good work.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Doc Hancock

    Hey this is Doc from Memphis. I know you had my old blog on WordPress.com linked to your site but that link is no longer active. The new link is girlsgoodtimesandsports.wordpress.com and the name of the blog is “Good Times, Girls, and Sports”.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Pingback: Bulldawgy » I wish I'd said that... #1

  12. Doc Hancock

    You were right about me changing my blog’s name. It’s now http://realsportsbloggers.com/southerngirlsgoodtimesandsports

    The title is “Southern Girls, Good Times, and Sports”


  13. Seriously

    Senator, as a Georgia Tech alumnus and Florida Gator fan, it pains me to admit my complete agreement on your first three truths. Regarding the fourth one, I have to stick with “Ramblin’ Wreck from Georgia Tech.”


  14. It’s OK, man.

    As long as you didn’t say the “Budweiser Song”… 😉


  15. madmonq


    Familiar with you from back in the old OnlineAthens Forum-battleground days. You always displayed logic and patience. Smart too. Just saying hello.




  16. Hi – just noticed your blog, what with G-Day coming up and all, here’s a brand of Dawg fan sure to crawl out of the woodwork:



  17. Rats! Ignore that one – or at least watch it second. This is the “right” video:


  18. Bill in Phoenix Arizona

    I’ve already paid $650 clams for my 2 seats on the 45 to watch my beloved Bulldogs play ASU. Go Dawgs! Sic’em! Woof!Woof!Woof! and I will be at the Bisons Witches Bar & Deli before the game…


    • $650 for App State? For another $600 you could have bought two season tickets. If your situation dictated that you could attend only on certain dates, you could’ve easily sold the ones you couldn’t use…any non-ST holder looking to score tickets is prepared to pay above face value, even for the non-SEC games…bad investment, my friend. I have four seats and rarely ever have the need to shop them around but on the rare occasion when work or family commitments keep me from attending a game, I recoup my investment, and them some.
      Here’s wishing you better luck next time, Bill.


  19. Senator,

    Great blog!

    Since you’re an avid Georgia Bulldogs fan, you may be interested in the third annual Countdown to Kickoff event in two weeks at the UGA practice fields.

    Former UGA players Matt and Jon Stinchcomb and David Greene are hosting the event. Fans will be able to get pictures, autographs and run drills with current and former UGA players.

    Our UGA PR campaigns class is promoting the event. For more information, check out http://www.ugakickoff.com


  20. Senator,

    Any interest in joining the BlogPoll? I think you definitely meet the requirements.



  21. Jason – don’t laugh, but I’m weighing the idea of running a poll here based on approval voting, just to see how well it would work. Assuming I get sufficient interest in the idea, one poll will be enough for me. 😉

    Besides, if I understand Brian correctly, it looks like Georgia is fully represented in the BlogPoll.


  22. Fair enough. Good luck with your own poll. Should you ever change your mind, I think your blog has earned inclusion.


  23. Senator,

    I just wanted to thank you for spreading the word about Countdown to Kickoff last Saturday, July 19th. The event was a huge success.

    There were 2,000 guests in attendance this year, up from 1,100 in 2007.

    The event officials estimate that they raised approximately $190,000 this year.

    That’s a huge increase from the nearly $120,000 raised last year.

    Your help was instrumental, and we would like to know about how many hits your blog receives each day in the recent weeks.

    Thanks again,


  24. Rachel – kudos on Countdown to Kickoff’s success this year. I hope it continues to grow from year to year.

    According to Sitemeter, GTP averages about 1,500 visits a day.


  25. I am a stranger in a strange land. In other words, I’m a Georgia girl living in the wilds of Michigan where no one understands the pure passion of Georgia football or my accent.

    Glad I ran across you whilst trolling the internet. Love the banner of Dooley and James Brown and the tribute to Lewis Grizzard. As a professional writer, I personally found his comment about being a columnist very amusing. To paraphrase, Grizzard said that writing a column everyday was like being married to a nymphomaniac. It’s fun for about 2 weeks and then it gets to be a chore.

    We also share the same “UGA lunging for the Auburn player’s crotch” on our respective blogs. Great stuff.


  26. Cindy, thank you very much for the kind thoughts.

    Glad I can be a beacon in the wilderness… 😉


  27. Senator,

    Just wanted to let you and all the Dawg fans out there that ESPN has launched a website dedicated solely to Georgia athletics. It’s called TotalUGA.com

    Check it out and we’d love to be added to your link list.


    -Brett Jensen


  28. KelticGator


    I can’t find a contact email address on your site. I wanted to send you a forward I got that I thought you’d find humorous.


  29. Spooner

    Enjoyed your blog quite a bit, and could not agree more with your contention that life is measurably sadder with out the the great Lewis Grizzard in it. So much of my early life was formed by his humor and wit [‘The only good thing to come out of Chicago is I65 southbound’ ; ‘If you’re not the lead dog the view never changes’]. I hope he and Catfish are making God laugh…


  30. I usually like CBS coverage, but Craig Bolerjack is obviously biased towards TN. What a butthead.


  31. Teresa

    GA Bulldog response to the Go Gators Commercial (not for kids)


  32. Senator, I enjoy reading you daily and participate in your Mumme Poll. I’ve gone ahead and added you to my blog roll as well. Keep up the good work.


  33. bill


    After reading your four truths, I have a new appreciation of your perspective. You indeed possess a wisdom that I did not at first see. I will be more respectful to you when we spar.

    I wholeheartedly agree on the first three truths. Although the greatest song ever has to be “Wild Horses” followed closely by the Ramblin Wreck.


  34. As I said to another Tech commenter, as long as it’s not the Budweiser Song… 😉


  35. bill

    I have and never will participate in the Budweiser song antics. Nor will I ever allow my wife or any of my children to participate. Not because I am opposed to Bud or any alcohol for that matter. It is because bobbing up and down to any song is just plain gay.


  36. gravityrestatement

    The DAWGS! Sicum! (And that’s not Latin!)

    What are you doing these days, fellow alumni? I’m at http://gravityrestatement.wordpress.com/2009/03/27/a-law-of-gravitational-mass-displacement/.

    The greatest victory was in 1981 over Notre Dame for the National Championship. Go Dogs.

    Don Hobbs UGA 1984, MIS


  37. BMarsh07


    Just a word or praise- I was linked to you by Chris Brown over at smartfootball.blogspot.com- and I want to commend you on your blog.

    Unfortunately, I’m a lifelong Tech fan, and as such, it would be against my religious convictions to bookmark your blog to my favorites- despite my (painful) admissions of it’s quality. I have, however, (begrudgingly) passed your link along to most of the coaches in my league. 😉

    Congratulations, and keep up the good work….


    • Thanks – I understand and appreciate Clean Old Fashioned Hate as much as the next guy.

      Seriously, I hope you’ll drop in and comment now and then. Tech’s gotten a lot harder to mock since the coaching change, but obviously it’s still a program of interest at GTP.


  38. dawgdayafternoon

    Mr. Blutarsky,

    Nice to see a blog that stands out due to insight and opinion, rather than following the current trend of plastering pictures of half naked poon all over their page.

    Keep up the good work. You are a Dawg-blogging legend. It’s your world – I’m just living in it.



    • BMarsh07

      wait a second, DDA- insight and opinion are the steak and potatoes here, but a little half naked poon for dessert never hurt anyone.


  39. Senator,

    Always enjoyed your blog and now I have one of my own to pontificate from—if you have the time—give it a look.

    I’ve added your site to my blogroll and, if it so pleases, you may add mine to yours. Either way, it’s always a pleasure.

    Keep up the fine work!

    Kimberley Nash


  40. Parker Swift


    Thanks for the great blog. I am just now reading your truisms, and figured that it was time to comment. I, too, am a lover of James Brown’s finest song. I had the opportunity of seeing James Brown play at the Sahara in Vegas back in ’94. My uncle and I were in the front row and had James taking are requests during the second set. When I asked him to play “Dooley’s Junkyard Dawgs”, he let out a big barrel laugh and regretfully confessed that his 12-member band had not properly rehearsed the number. Anyway, he gave us an autograph later that evening after finishing with a soulful rendition of “Popcorn”.

    Two years later, I happened to be at the Super Bowl at the Packers vs Patriots game. I got on the elevator after a late night at the Windsor Court…
    And who was on the elevator? The Godfather himself! He even acted like he remebered my request from two years back. To top it off, the elevator made a stop on the next floor, and another celebrity got aboard- Jim Belushi! Quite a surreal elevator ride, and I didn’t have a camera.


  41. Tybee Dawg

    do you know Slic Rick Schwarz


  42. Bryant Denny

    Thanks for the link, Senator. You are the standard of college football blogs.


  43. Mg4life0331

    I cant thank you enough for the reading material between classes and work Senator. When you retire like PWD on georgiasportsblogspot, I think Ill just quit the internet. As we say in the corps, fair winds and following seas sir.


  44. Pingback: I have not come to bury the BCS, but to praise it. | Get The Picture

  45. Your comments about CMR and our roster numbers kinda didn’t sit too well with me. You sounded dangerously close to someone who hopes something bad happens and Richt gets in hot water for it…I mean…whose side are you truly on, dude.


  46. Joe 12-Pack

    I have no doubt that “Dooley’s Junkyard Dawgs” is the greatest college football song ever but what is the second greatest? Is there a second?


  47. Just discovered your site and I’m impressed. Will definitely add to my recommended reads.

    Would be ecstatic if you checked out my blog (http://www.ferventfandom.com/) and gave feedback.


  48. Jay jackson

    I read your blog everyday for my dawg fix. I have just published my first ebook on amazon. It’s called the killing king of gratis. As a true UGA man, you might know that Gratis is a small community in Walton County, in the middle of UGA country. One of my main characters is a former UGA lineman, and the bad guy is a Gator. Would you be so gracious as to check it out and, if you like it, maybe give it a shout. Seriously, as a UGA man, I would like your feedback, because it’s written for the perspective of a dawg. Thanks, Jay Jackson


  49. Bulldawg Bill

    Senator, thank goodness someone else sees a win here! Everyone else doesn’t seem to think we can even field a team!!


  50. Fat Elvis

    Senator, Is your office on Piedmont Rd. in Buckhead? Between Roswell Rd and Lenon Rd?


  51. Morris Buttermaker

    Senator –

    Did you catch Steve Spurrier addressing the Florida Gator fans at the stadium last weekend? UF was naming the field in his honor and he spoke to the crowd to give thanks. In typical Spurrier fashion, he had to mention UGA and re-affirm his 40 year grudge against the Dawgs who snatched away his coveted SEC title in ’66. It wasn’t classic Spurrier but nobody can ever say The Ole Ball Coach doesn’t ALWAYS want to beat UGA!


  52. Fat Elvis

    Maybe I missed it, but is the GTP tailgate happening this weekend? If so, where?


  53. Brad in Jackson Hole

    Senator – Absolutely love the blog and have been reading for years.

    Random, but was curious what a Bama site had to say about the playoffs and clicked on the Capstone Report link on your site. Have you clicked on the that link in a while? Certainly your blog and can link whatever you want on here, but sufficed to say that’s not a college football blog anymore…. It was both hilarious (in a lunatic sort of way) and frightening (mostly the latter). Whoever is running that site is a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket.

    In any event, we started an officially sanctioned Bulldog Club in Jackson Hole, so if you’re ever out this way, drop me a line.



  54. Jeff Purcell

    I would like to subscribe to your posts

    Liked by 1 person

  55. Will Keyes

    Please add me to your thread. Go Dawgs.


  56. MikeDawg

    Senator, I am probably in the minority regarding my love for soccer on this blog, but I disagree with you on ONE thing…Professional soccer (worldwide) is the only sport that is better than it’s collegiate counterpart. Do you have any comment or do you not care enough about soccer to have an opinion? Go Dawgs!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ran A

      Having a son that played from the time he was 4 years old and now coaches high school soccer, having sat through literally 1,000’s of practices and over 1,000 games, I can say this with the upmost confidence. “No it’s not”.


  57. mg4life0331

    (2) to paraphrase Churchill, the BCS is the worst form of deciding a national football champion except for all those others that have been tried;

    Does this need updating?

    Liked by 1 person

  58. Thanks Senator for all your hard work over the last decade +. Wishing you the best.


  59. srbdcc

    Merry Christmas Senator!
