Spinning the spin

If you’re FSU, it seems it’s not enough to justify a ginormous settlement by claiming it was done out of a concern to be fiscally prudent.

Nah, you’ve got to puff that up further by conjuring the amount you’re paying in plaintiff’s attorney’s fee out of thin air.

In announcing its settlement with Erica Kinsman, a former student who alleged quarterback Jameis Winston raped her in 2012, Florida State gave a breakdown of the total financial amount.

Of the $950,000 sum, $250,000 would go to Kinsman and $700,000 to her attorneys. But that’s in dispute.

According to Kinsman’s attorneys, that breakdown represents public relations spin.

“If they’re saying, and I think they are, that the lawyers are going to get $700,000, that’s simply false,” said Baine Kerr, who represents Kinsman.

According to the settlement agreement, that breakdown of the $950,000 sum is based upon FSU’s assessment of what the amount represents.

The next line in the agreement states, “The Parties understand and agree that the foregoing representation does not necessarily reflect the actual allocation between Kinsman and her counsel.”

That is all sorts of awesome.  Anyway, why should any of us believe it’s bullshit?  After all, FSU’s been totally above board throughout this, right?


UPDATE:  And just when I think there’s nothing left to mock, comes this:

Florida State University’s booster organization will pay most of the defense fees from a lawsuit brought by a former student who said the school failed to adequately investigate allegations that she was raped by quarterback Jameis Winston.

Seminole Boosters Chairman David Rancourt said in an email to members that the organization will pay about $1.3 million of the university’s $1.7 million legal fees. The state’s Risk Management Fund will pay the remainder and the $950,000 settlement to Erica Kinsman and her attorneys.




Filed under See You In Court

16 responses to “Spinning the spin

  1. Spike

    I know bullshit when I hear it. And that is bullshit of the highest order. Stay scummy FSU.


  2. Dog in Fla

    “FSU Has Picked A Powerful And Controversial Politician As Its Next President”




    • Brandon

      Wow. Was completely unaware of the level of disdain for the guy from within his own world. At least there’s some level of sanity down there to observe.


  3. I Wanna Red Cup

    Is this what a reserve fund is for?


  4. AusDawg85

    Richt’s fault. If he had recruited Jameis in the first place none of this would have happened. The BASTARD!


  5. WarD Eagle

    We’re a terrible society.


  6. doofusdawg

    so many outrages… so few responses.


  7. Disgusting. It’s like corpse mutilation. FSU is lower than the ex-wife’s lawyer.


  8. Must be nice to have your own legal bagmen. This just smells so bad on so many levels. Over and under on when the next time will be. Stay tuned for further FSU follies.


  9. Russ

    Scum of the lowest order.


  10. Cousin Eddie

    So does that mean the fsu attorneys get $750,000 ($1.7 mil – $950,00)? And they are slinging at her attorney for getting $700,000.


  11. ASEF

    What is it about being in charge of something in Florida that makes you (a) arrogant and (b) stupid?


  12. Dog in Fla

    @Brandon January 27, 2016 at 8:04 AM
    “Wow. Was completely unaware of the level of disdain for the guy from within his own world. At least there’s some level of sanity down there to observe.”

    Some from outside his own world say he’s a schemer and a dreamer –

    “You say FSU is a “model” when it comes to handling sexual assault. The truth is that your school is being investigated by the Department of Education for its mishandling of sexual assault cases, and many media outlets, including The New York Times, have detailed how your school covered up sexual assault allegations against its former star quarterback.

    In an interview on January 16, 2015, you said FSU has been “aggressively” working on a “scheme” regarding the negative publicity FSU has received about how they mishandled Title IX complaints. Rather than scheming, we believe FSU students are better served by efforts to make their campus safe.

    You claim FSU “did everything appropriately” in regard to Erica Kinsman’s Title IX complaint. We believe the facts show otherwise:

    • December 7, 2012 – Kinsman immediately reported her rape to the Florida State University and Tallahassee police within hours of the assault. She was taken to a nearby hospital where a rape kit was administered and bruises were noted in her medical record. FSU police did not report the assault to the FSU Title IX Coordinator as required by federal guidelines.

    • January 22, 2013 – Florida State Head Football Coach Jimbo Fisher learned that Jameis Winston has been accused of sexual assault but did not report the assault to the FSU Title IX Coordinator as required by federal guidelines.

    • For the next eighteen months, FSU did almost nothing to investigate this report of rape even though the FSU school policy and the Department of Education presumes that any accusation of sexual assault will be investigated and resolved with 60 days.

    • November 12, 2013 – Despite being on notice that another female FSU student had reported being sexually assaulted by Winston, FSU stated in an email that no disciplinary proceedings against Winston were going to take place for either of the reported assaults.

    • November 14, 2013 – Kinsman dropped out of school, fearing for her safety because of retaliation over social media from FSU students and fans.

    • December 14, 2013 – Winston was named winner of the 2013 Heisman Trophy.

    • January 6, 2014 – FSU’s football team won the BCS National Championship.

    • January 23, 2014 – More than a year after FSU officials were made aware that Winston was accused of rape, FSU finally called Winston in for an interview regarding the accusation. Winston refused to answer any questions. After the interview, FSU sent a letter to Winston stating they were not going to investigate the case because Winston refused to talk to them.

    • In the spring of 2014 – FSU, in violation of the victim advocate privilege, gave a copy of Kinsman’s privileged victim advocate file to its outside legal counsel.

    • December 5, 2014 – Nearly two years after the report of rape, FSU finally held a hearing about the accusation. The FSU hearing officer found Winston not responsible despite the fact he refused to answer every question put to him by the hearing officer except three while Kinsman answered all 156 questions asked of her.

    • January 7, 2015 – Six days after his final football game, Winston withdrew from FSU and made himself eligible for the 2015 NFL Football Draft.”

