It’s a shame I’ve lost control of the “Mark Richt has lost control” meme.

Because Maty Mauk is tailor made for it.


UPDATE:  Per a teammate,

The video released Monday showing Missouri’s Maty Mauk appearing to snort a line of white powder was taken two years ago and the quarterback has since addressed his drug problem…

So I guess that means Richt lost control retroactively.  Neat trick.


Filed under General Idiocy

30 responses to “It’s a shame I’ve lost control of the “Mark Richt has lost control” meme.

  1. Dolly Llama

    “Maty Football” strikes again.


  2. Timphd

    What a waste.


  3. They were all over this on the radio so I can’t take credit. But how much of that line did he even connect on? That’s the worst effort I’ve ever seen.


  4. Stupidity is rampant, he actually was one who had a chance to make the NFL but got progressively worse each year. He reminds me of S Garcia.


  5. Cosmic Dawg



  6. Castleberry

    Who is the QB coach over there, Stephen Garcia?


  7. 92 grad

    I tend to question the bigger picture, especially when young men are involved. Honestly, the pressure of being a high profile QB combined with modern social media volatility, being hounded by men who are paid millions of dollars to coach you, pressures with being an offense that is under performing by a lot.

    CFB will continue to chew up and spit out kids. Yes, he is unforgivably stupid for doing this, but imagine how he feels being where he is personally. At his age it’s not surprising.


  8. "the" ChilliDawg

    Looks like Auburn’s found ’em a quarterback for next season.


  9. Bulldog Joe

    Where is Mauk getting the money for this habit?

    That stuff isn’t cheap.


  10. D.N. Nation

    If Missouri legitimately cared about football more than a “gosh golly I hope we do well you betcha” attitude, the current dumpster fire status of that program would be a bigger deal.


  11. Ben

    Damn. Who needs enemies when you’ve got a friend who will post of a video of your snorting coke AND bag on you for your QB skills?


  12. Dog in Fla

    “UPDATE: Per a teammate,

    The video released Monday showing Missouri’s Maty Mauk appearing to snort a line of white powder was taken two years ago and the quarterback has since addressed his drug problem…”
