A GTP Gift Guide modification

Longtime readers of the blog know about my appreciation of the Soundboks 2 powered speaker.  I’ve owned it now for more than a half-dozen years and through countless tailgates, beach trips and even a high school reunion, it has never failed to live up to what its specs promise.  It’s loud.  It’s clear.  It’s got a battery that will last for hours (and is modular, to boot).  It’s built like a tank and runs like a top.  Considering that before I bought it, I’d been running through boom boxes like Kleenex, I couldn’t be happier with it.

So why am I getting rid of it?  As George Costanza might say, it’s not you, Soundboks.  It’s me.  With my recent spate of health issues, it’s simply too bulky for me to shlep around comfortably.  I started looking around for something easier to handle a few months ago.  Fortunately, I didn’t have to look very far.

It’s called the Soundboks Go.  It’s half the height and a little more than half the weight of the Soundboks 2 and it’s perfect for my current needs.  No, it won’t play as loudly as the Soundboks 2 — with one less driver and one less amp, physics dictate that result — but that doesn’t mean it won’t play loudly.  Put it this way:  the owner’s manual warns not to stand directly in front of the amp when it’s cranked and that’s not meant as puffery.

The size is a godsend, not just in terms of portability, but also in terms of space.  When you pack for a tailgate, unless you’re taking a bus, room is critical.  Having something that takes up a lot less space helps.  (Hell, I can pack this bugger in my Cayman.)

Obviously, I don’t have six years with it under my belt, but from all appearances, the Go looks to be built as ruggedly as my Soundboks 2 is.  I can use Bluetooth as a source, but it also has a aux jack like the 2, so I can keep using my trusty iPod to deliver my tuneage.  All in all, color me a satisfied customer… again.

I mention this now because whatever else I can say about the brand, their products aren’t exactly cheap, although you do get a lot for the money.  Anyway, right now, Soundboks has a Black Friday discount ($150) on the Go that runs through the 28th, so if this looks like it might float your tailgate boat, you might want to jump on it.

That said, if you find that a little pricey, but are still in the market for something that, as a friend of mine once put it, rules the parking lot, I’m looking to sell my Soundboks 2 at a lower price, so send me an email if you’re in the Atlanta area and interested.  Either way, both of these will be in the Gift Guide for a while to come.


Filed under GTP Stuff

20 responses to “A GTP Gift Guide modification

  1. Illini84

    I well remember your jams when my brother and I dropped into your tailgate at the Notre Dame game!


  2. FWIW, if anyone is looking for something VERY small, lightweight, and waterproof (!) Bluetooth speaker, I highly recommend the JBL Flip 5.


  3. Damn, I thought I was the only dinosaur who couldn’t part with his IPod. Given the amount of songs that Napster helped me procure, I always thought the federalies would be kicking my door in to seize it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • KornDawg

      Not the feds, be on the lookout for a short Dane. Lars Ulrich may be paying you a visit.

      Liked by 3 people

    • RangerRuss

      And just what makes you think the Man ain’t coming to kick your door in, you gun-toting, animal murdering, shit-kicking pimp?

      Liked by 1 person

      • No lie, it’s always on my mind…just like you rising early in the morning ain’t only to get the jump on the French and Indians…besides, most IT departments aren’t staffed until after 9 am …spyware my rebel ass

        Liked by 1 person

        • RangerRuss

          If the local yokels decided to raid stately Ranger Manor they’d get a big surprise. I’d join their stack in the drag position (NTTAWWT, Derek) and once they proved lethal intent by tossing in a flash bang I’d take ’em out from rear to front. I’m at least as well equipped as they and muuuuch better trained.
          If FBI HRT comes a calling? Zin loi my boy! I’m toast. Those Men don’t fuck around and got something for assholes such as me. Give me a day prior notice? It won’t go so smoothly for them. But the final result would be the same. My embeds and brothers have all retired and the new weaponized Justice department has no mercy.

          Liked by 1 person

          • I know I’m not high enough priority, but if I’m driving along and I see a glint up in the sky, I do wonder if I’m about to get vivisected by a R9X “flying ginsu”

            Liked by 1 person

            • RangerRuss

              FD, the thrill of city boy camping when the power goes out here has worn out along with my old Generac 6500 generator. I have a Generac 26KW auto transfer generator on order along with a 500 gallon propane tank. That, along with my propensity for shooting high caliber rifles, provides “those people” with a plausible explanation for my flamboyant demise when they JDAM my ass.
              “That gun-toting, animal murdering, shit-kicking pimp was shooting tracers in the wrong direction.”
              “Everybody gotta die sometime, Red.”
              -SSGT Barnes, Platoon.


  4. FlyingPeakDawg

    Any Black Friday specials on GTP subscriptions and gear?

    Liked by 2 people

  5. How does this compare to a Turtlebox which has a $400 price point?



  6. ugafidelis

    An old photo of the Senator before he got his Soundbooks 2…

    Liked by 3 people

  7. 86bone

    Not comparing this small speaker to a Soundboks at all, but I recently purchased a Bose SoundLink Flex after an older JBL crapped out on me. Great sound on this little guy and can pack it anywhere for travel.

    Liked by 2 people