If you’re looking for a sense of involvement today…

Alex Gray over at Team Speed Kills has a nice drinking game for you.

Because it’ll make for a fun drinking game! Take a shot whenever you hear the names “Mark Richt” or “Kirby Smart.” Like, the entire game that’s all the announcers are going to yammer about. Over/under on combined Richt/Smart references? I’m going 20. Play this game, and you’ll be blitzed.

If the game’s a rout on either side, I’m afraid 20 will be on the low side, as there will be little else to discuss. Don’t play and drive, that’s for sure.


Filed under Georgia Football

5 responses to “If you’re looking for a sense of involvement today…

  1. Alphadawg

    20 is way low. They’re likely to have 5 just in the pre-kick segment


  2. Indemnitor

    Or plau the radio version and drink every time zeier says ” cover 2 shell” or “zone fire”


  3. Uglydawg

    Well..the game is over and the Dawgs hung on to win!
    But almost all of the talk was about PaSt. Thousand of words offered from apologists for the Nitt LIons…Dozens of cuts to the PaSt. sideline..crowd..James the Franklin, etc. Oh, the wonder of it all, Penn State has a football team..let us worship the thought!
    Even when Georgia was winning by 21 you would have thought they were being dominated by next year’s shoe in National Champs…with next year’s Heisman winner in their backfied. Sheesh…
    We Southerners learned a long time ago..even if we beat the BIG 99% of the time, they are still more important than us..
    For those that say that I protest too much…maybe so, but I’ve had a lifetime of that kind of bullshit.


    • georgiajeepn

      I kinda thought they showed Bryan McClendon and Kevin Sherrer just as much as they did Franklin. Even showed Que the Bulldog mascot some.


  4. 92 grad

    I was driving all day, so ESPN radio was my only option. The radio guys were horrible, they couldn’t remember who PennSt was playing. Multiple “Georgetown, Georgia tech, etc.” gaffes. I never heard Smart or anything else of the general outside the lines material. They seemed to be familiar with PennSt and the more northeast nature of things around them. The general sense of the game was much different than what I gleaned from the highlights and brief coverage last night during halftime of the later games. I think if I had watched the game I would have felt much better about the game. On radio it seems like we barely held on most of the game and played poorly throughout. Tv guys seem to stick with the opposite, Georgia dominated only to withstand a late surge from a decent opponent.
