You don’t have to be lonely at the Rose Bowl.

How can you not love Stanford’s band?

If I were an Iowa fan, I would have appreciated the halftime distraction. Any halftime distraction.


Filed under Big Ten Football, Pac-12 Football

40 responses to “You don’t have to be lonely at the Rose Bowl.

  1. Your alma mater’s “band” offended the entire state of Georgia in the 1995 Peach Bowl halftime show.

    I love Stanford and what that university does, but stay classy, band.


    • Can’t say I’m offended.

      Still remember the time UVa’s band serenaded Tom Burleson with the Who’s “Pinball Wizard” after his arrest for breaking into some pinball machines. LMAO.


      • 🙂

        I remember the Georgia crowd drowned out the Virginia band once it started.


        • Bulldog Joe

          After we abolished the Georgia Student Government Association, the Virginia band spelled out “SGA” then turned it up in smoke, forming a joint with the fire extinguisher player on the business end.

          They did their homework.


          • I remembered the joint but I could not remember the premise. Thanks for the memories Joe. As someone who actually voted to get rid of the SGA(Pat Swindle and his ilk) I should have remembered….I was still in school so I must have been drunk or stoned. I yeah now I remember why I couldn’t remember…. I was more worried about my idiot UVA grad friend not getting his ass kicked in the middle of the student section as UVA undressed one of the great coach Dooley teams 30-something to nothing.


      • My favorite UVA Scramble Band story is when Doug Wilder brought Patricia Kluge to a game as his skybox guest and the band played “The Stripper.” If memory serves (and mine may be faulty), that was what got them axed permanently . . . but what a way to go.


  2. Gaskilldawg

    It was Stanford kids acting out a “We are better than you” attitude.


    • Russ

      Yeah, the elitism isn’t that attractive. Still sort of funny, though.


      • what about the fact that they probably are better than you or me? Wait I just remembered seeing Chelsea Clinton as a reporter on national news shows and maybe they are not ALL better than me.


        • Gaskilldawg

          It is not becoming for folks actually better than you and me to announce to you and me that they are better than us. There is a reason vanity is one of the seven deadly sins and humility is a virtue.


      • Otto

        It is a reflection of the politicians these academic elites produce.


  3. Remember when UVA band played at Maryland and had the director in balls and chains. To honor the Maryland governor who had been arrested.
    Bye the way love the Stanford band. Irreverent. Have seen them many a time.


  4. Debby Balcer

    Tacky and classless to mock your opponent and their fan base.



    HIGHlarious….love pranks like this, harmless humor…it hurt their little feelings because it is true.


    • Gaskilldawg

      Yeah, it may be true, but I think that universities should be classy in their behaviors. If we played Stanford and its band did an “UGA offensive coordinator Jim Cheney is fat and ugly” halftime, would the fact it is true make it okay?


  6. The fact that this sort of thing is still possible is one of the few reasons college football is different (in a good way) from the NFL.


  7. Bag Dog

    The Stanford band is great. People need to relax and have a sense of humor.

    If you’re offended by the Stanford band, you shouldn’t be allowed to call tech fans ‘nerds.’


    • Gaskilldawg

      Me calling Tech fans nerds is just me, a lunatic, acting out as an individual fool. If the University of Georgia calls Tech fans nerds, it is a classless act by a university.


      • Debby Balcer



      • Bag Dog

        That’s a valid point. I’m just saying that, in general, people should lighten up a little. The whole experience is supposed to be fun. Some lighthearted ribbing of an opponent isn’t the end of the world. Is there a line? Of course. I don’t really think Stanford crossed it, though.


  8. Sax

    I feel guilty for not agreeing about mockery, etc. I get too much of a kick out of well-done snark in an unlikely environment. A postmodern marching band is an inspired idea.


  9. Bulldog Joe

    Probably a good thing Stanford wasn’t playing Penn State.


  10. nhiriteinsouth

    How can you not love assholes? Well, they’re assholes.


  11. Turd Ferguson

    On a somewhat unrelated note, after all the talk all season about the SEC being down, and other conferences (especially the Big-12 and Big Ten) being just as strong, this postseason has been particularly telling. So far, by my count …

    ACC: 4-5
    Big Ten: 5-5
    Big-12: 1-4 (and TCU’s currently getting hammered)
    SEC: 8-2

    (To their credit, the Pac-12 has looked pretty strong, too.)

    I know some around here don’t care about conference perception, but they should. It’s always better for Georgia that the perception is that we belong to the best conference in the country. This is why my policy during bowl season is to root for every SEC team … except Florida.


    • doiknowu

      And, thank goodness, they did not disappoint you (and many more of us). The more they get hammered, by anyone, excepting perhaps Tech, the better.


    • It was a down year for the SEC. Getting favorable matchups in the bowls doesn’t change that.


      • Turd Ferguson

        Calling them “favorable matchups” is like the conference version of “Dawgrading” them.

        Michigan State was the Big Ten champion, and except for a blown call against Nebraska, would have been undefeated. Then our 1-loss champion beats them 38-0.

        Oklahoma State was the #6 team in the country as of week 12 (#4 in the AP). Then Ole Miss beats them by 4 touchdowns.

        Northwestern was for a long time considered a dark horse in the Big Ten, especially after opening the season with a win over eventual Rose Bowl champion Stanford. Then Tennessee beats them 45-6.

        And while LSU, Auburn, Miss St, and Arkansas all got match-ups against teams they should beat, they did exactly what superior teams should do: beat their opponents by lots and lots and lots of points.

        Meanwhile, after so many analysts claimed that Oklahoma was probably the most complete team in the CFP, they promptly got their asses handed to them by Clemson. And Big Ten runner-up Iowa got manhandled by Stanford to the tune of 45-16.

        So, to recap: both Big Ten division champs, and the top 2 teams in the Big-12, all lost in games that were not even close. And two of those losses came at the hands of the SEC.

        I can’t recall a bowl season with more lopsided outcomes, and for the most part, they’ve made the SEC look good, and other conferences look bad. I’m not saying that the SEC didn’t have a relatively down year. But I don’t think it’s nearly as bad as the experts made it out to be. And last I checked, bowl season is widely regarded as a decent metric of relative conference strength, since, with a handful of exceptions each year, the opponents are supposed to be fairly evenly matched.

        If the Big-12 finishes the postseason with just 1 win, they can cry about “unfavorable matchups” all they want. It makes the conference look like the over-rated pile of shit that it is.


    • PTC DAWG

      SEC was only an underdog in one bowl. Uf, thankfully, it held and they got drilled.


  12. SWGAdAWG

    Hard to cheer on a group who covers poor musical ability with tricks. Wonder how that would have went down with some “protected” group being mocked? That would be bigoted! As long as everybody is fair game I’m alright with it.


    • DugLite

      My cousins and I went to the 1986 Mazda Gator Bowl between Stanford and Clemson. I remember distinctly being slack jawed at Stanfords halftime performance. I was 15 and mesmerized at the risqué show. I can’t remember the detail of the show but that it was not something I had every seen by a marching band at the football game.
      According the the wiki page for the Stanford band this particular show was monitored closely because of previous shows that year. Lmao


      • I was at the Stanford-Cal game this past November, not more than five or six rows from the field, and I’m pretty sure one of the “dance team” members was wearing a thong and didn’t care who saw it. After their offensive line play, that’s probably the aspect of the Stanford program I’d most like to see catch on in Athens.
