Some early signs of early enrollees?

Saw this…

… so I did some digging here.  And you know what?  Sure enough, Isaac Nauta’s name does come up.  So do four others, including Eason.

Hmmm.  Talk about your pleasant surprise.


UPDATE:  Eh, never mind.

Reminds me why I shouldn’t follow recruiting stuff so closely.


Filed under Georgia Football, Recruiting

17 responses to “Some early signs of early enrollees?

  1. Dolly Llama

    Well, it’s a better sign than the kid not signing shit for us, no?



    Ok…Stepped into an ambush….only way to get out is go on offense.


  3. Hogbody Spradlin

    This kid’s a drama queen.


    • mctyre

      . . . as are many of the posters to this blog. We have no idea what this recruit has said to our coaches or what it’s like being an elite HS athlete in the social media era. The 24-7-365 hour infotainment and blog punditry cycle certainly offers avenues to pontificate – for 17-yr old bluechippers and keyboard geniuses alike. One challenge for all of us is knowing the difference between quantity and quality in what you consume and contribute.


  4. W Cobb Dawg

    I’m happy with the 4 early entries regardless of whether the TE joins the party. It’s a terrific start.


  5. ScoutDawg

    What is that stupid noise when Ar-kansas has the ball? Is that some K-state thing? Doesn’t seem to bother the pigs but it annoys the hell out of me.


  6. IAmAChubbyMan

    Nauta is all Dawg. He and Eason have become close.


  7. DawgFaithful

    For a guy that claims he’s to cool to follow recruiting, you sure are ALL OVER IT. You’re subscribing to all the pay sites. You must be a closet recruiting guy


    • I don’t subscribe to a single pay site.

      Never claimed I don’t follow recruiting at all. I just try not to take it seriously until names are on the dotted line.


      • DawgFaithful

        I thought I’d seen you post links to Dawgs247 and their message board before. You’ve posted links to sting talk. I guess you’re just borrowing a friend’s login info.

        It’s ok admit it. I subscribe to 247.


        • What are you looking for, validation?

          You pay to read grown men write about teenage boys’ tweets.


        • Stingtalk isn’t a pay site, brother.

          And if you’d carefully notice, I never link to any info that’s behind a pay wall. That’s because I can’t see it, either.

          There’s nothing wrong with you subscribing to 247. It’s just not my cuppa, you know?


  8. TidewaterDawg

    If you’ve noticed Nauta’s horrendous tribal tattoo, it is obvious that he and other recruits are prone to bad decision making at times.


  9. Will Trane

    Congrats to the players for their bowl win, and the coaches who stayed. Also congrats to grad assistants.
    Coach Lilly is a heck of a coach. His work is outstanding in bowls.
    Makes you really wonder why Richt ever thought of hiring Schottenheimer. Between Richt, Tarkenton, and McGarity they blew up 2015 in a lot of ways.
    The McGarity watch begins in 2016.


  10. Will Trane

    Huge win.
    It begins to wall out Big 10 schools like Franklin’s PSU from recruiting the state. And other Big 10 and SEC schools.
    No titles but 10 wins is a solid measure of a committed program.
    Now the pressure on Coach Smart and hires the build it up.
    Lot of frosh played yesterday.
    Not a player there but Georgia will be show cased in championship game against Clemson. This Georgia against Clemson. Not on the schedule but on the recruiting schedule.
    DC hire will be important. LSU stepped up. So did Richt. Now Mississipi State in the search too
    Ten wins in a SEC that dominated the bowls is huge.
    Dawgs are a legit top 20 team.


    • PTC DAWG

      Penn State was the best team we beat..glad we won, but I will be surprised if UGA is in any final top 20’s.


  11. I was forced to watch IMG play Paramus Catholic (i.e it was the only game playing on TV on a Friday night in the brewpub). Meh. I remember being distinctly unimpressed by IMG and thinking that this is the best HS team money can buy?
