If you can’t beat the SEC, join it.

Not only does Jim Harbaugh like the idea of holding camps and spring practice in the South, he’s taken to emulating a familiar recruiting strategy, to boot.  Awaiting Jim Delany’s criticism in  3… 2… aw, who am I kidding here?

By the way, it appears a four-star, 6’7″ offensive tackle is suddenly on the market.  Just sayin’, Coach Pittman.


Filed under Big Ten Football, Recruiting

19 responses to “If you can’t beat the SEC, join it.

  1. Derek

    It is at least possible that he wasn’t accepted into school.


    • DawgPhan

      Also possible that he has been a secret double agent for the British and is needed to help quell ISIS in Europe. This is all just cover.

      Not that Harbaugh is an insufferable dick. No evidence to support that at all.


    • And they didn’t figure that out until two weeks before signing day? Uh huh.


      • Derek

        If you guys know when he last took the ACT or SAT and submitted his application and got the results well then your info is just better than mine is. It’s been almost 30 years but my recollection is that it’s about this time of year when you find these things out from the admissions department. Maybe he was marginal academically? Perhaps he was very very close and hoping that last score would put him in? But hell why not call harbaugh fucking evil without evidence? No one wants to call Saban evil around here WITH evidence, so I certainly see no reason not to be entirely random and speculative about casting aspersions. Why the fuck not? I do know that sec schools let you in with minimum requirements and others not so readily. Not every kid on our roster could get into Stanford or Michigan or Notre Dame. That’s just the way it is.
        But whatever, we can go with the kid can’t play so they shit on him because Jims a prick and fuck that guy because that story makes us feel better than admitting that we may be jumping to conclusions without any evidence. Seems to me that when a kids been shat on like that in the past (by Saban BTW) that the kid (or more often his hs coach) has more to say than this kid about the unfairness of it all.


    • Sh3rl0ck

      Or, if you do the math, they have 22 open scholarships and 23 commits.


    • lvsattoc

      The schools now chasing him include Northwestern and Vanderbilt. Academics are not the issue.


      • Derek

        If the kid gets signed by one of those schools, then yes Jim’s an asshole just like Saban is. If he winds up at Mississippi State… I wish that these kids and their parents and hs coaches wouldn’t be so meek about these things. Make the bastards pay for this crap. Instead we end up glorifying them when they turn their human grist into trophies.


        • Hodgie

          Exactly my thoughts Derek. As a high school coach, I would discourage any player from going to or committing to a coach who practices these types of behaviors.


          • sniffer

            I’m calling bullshit, Hodgie. If your ethics and morals are that high, then you are without peer and should run for POTUS.

            You shouldn’t make statements around here that you really don’t mean…


    • Monday Night Frotteur

      Pretty unlikely given that he’s being actively recruited by Northwestern


  2. shane#1

    Pittman says the kid is too small.


  3. David K

    I don’t see a whole lot of fault here. Every school out there puts out more offers than they have spaces for. Good for Michigan for letting him know now that they’re pulling his offer instead of trying to greyshirt him on NSD. Nobody has a problem with a kid committing early and then on signing day making a last second change. The only way to fix all of this crap is to do away with National Signing Day altogether. If you offer a scholarship and it’s accepted they sign right then.


    • DawgPhan

      Wait no one has a problem with kids flipping at the last minute?

      Holy crap everyone it’s someone’s very first day of college football fandom on the internet. isnt he cute. He thinks that fans on social media dont lose their fucking minds when recruits dont pick their school. You have got a lot to learn. Welcome to the club.


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