What’s another $200 million between friends?

With a lede like “The facilities race in college athletics shows no sign of slowing, and athletics director Jay Jacobs proposes that Auburn pick up the pace in a major way”, do you really need to read any more to know what’s coming?


UPDATE:  Arkansas is prepared to spend $160 million on stadium renovation.


Filed under Auburn's Cast of Thousands, It's Just Bidness

26 responses to “What’s another $200 million between friends?

  1. Auburn spends like drunken sailors on leave. Sorry, I didn’t mean to insult drunken sailors.


  2. JN

    Jay Jacobs is either un-self aware and incompetent or he needs his pelotas hauled around in a dump truck.


  3. Hogbody Spradlin

    Seems like within the past month or so, we saw a chart around here showing the biggest operational losses in CFB, and Auburn was at the top. I guess they’re trying to keep up with the Gumps.


    • sniffer

      It’s their only real purpose in life, Hog. Their hatred of all things Crimson and White is masked by “family” values and they have to compensate for the fact that they don’t occupy the loveliest little village on the plains. They occupy the humblest hard scrabble crossroads in east central alabama.


      • old dog

        I agree, sniffer…it must be really hard to be an Auburn fan…they have all the Alabama championships (what 30 or 40 now?) being rammed down their throats every waking moment…no wonder they have such bad attitudes…there’s no balm in Gilead for them…just unrelenting torture…


      • Sh3rl0ck

        “Loveliest Village on the Plains” is just a euphemism for “Less Shitty than Dothan”.


  4. Aladawg

    Add that their “student cost” for athletes is the highest in the conference and you’ve got a sure sign that they are being more bold in their efforts to find, pay and sign another Cam Newton!


  5. Bulldog Joe

    Looks like the $115 ticket for opposing fans is history.

    Hello $200 ticket. If history holds true and the fans don’t buy them, the Auburn donors who ‘won’t be solicited in the interview’ will be required to purchase them in order to maintain their season tickets for next season.

    Auburn does this because they can.


    • Go Dawgs!

      The ticket prices at Jordan-Hare have been a complete and utter joke the last four or five years. Throw in the fact that Georgia fans had to pay them back-to-back thanks to the SEC expansion, and I just absolutely loathe the way Auburn goes about its business. I haven’t missed seeing a Georgia-Auburn game in person since I went to the 1998 game on the Plains. It’s my longest streak. In two years, I’ll be sorely tempted to let it lapse.


  6. Bright Idea

    Can any organization get credit easier than a major state supported university’s athletic program that happens to be in the SEC?


  7. lakedawg

    How do some of these guys get to be AD’s


    • Bulldog Joe

      “But the football team “also raised its revenues” by 10.5%, racking up more than $83.3M in revenue in ’14, including taking in $1M more in ticket sales at $28.2M. In addition, Auburn took in $39.4M in football donations, $7.6M more “than the program saw” in ’13.”

      Whatever they paid Nick Marshall, I am sure it was not nearly enough.


  8. Are planning to have a huge aquarium with live Aubum players swimming and snorkeling in you can view from a huge glass with water falls to as added attraction?


  9. Uglydawg

    A dome is expensive, but it would nullify the need to build an IPF…and you could increase ticket prices enormously…It would be the loveliest domed stadium on the Plain.


  10. Russ

    Wait, isn’t Auburn “losing money” on athletics?


  11. Dog in Fla

    “UPDATE: Arkansas is prepared to spend $160 million on stadium renovation.”

    Bert’s new pig pen renovation mottos;
    0 Days Without a Slop Accident and
