Fran Tarkenton speaks for you and me.

By my count, Fran the Man manages to use the words “we” “our” and “us” eighteen times in four paragraphs of quotes.

In related news, I’ve decided to end my Georgia coverage here at GTP in light of Tarkenton’s emergence as the spokesperson for the fan base.  My thoughts are obviously unnecessary and I wouldn’t want to undercut the official message.

I do feel a little sore about missing the vote putting him in charge.  There was a vote, right?

Seriously, why is he getting so much air time at the AJ-C these days?


Filed under Georgia Football

56 responses to “Fran Tarkenton speaks for you and me.

  1. TnDawg

    Heard very little while CMR was in charge. Now the floodgates have opened.


  2. Glad you finally jumped on the Fran Tram Senator. 😉

    Seriously nothing made me root for Richt harder than listening to that guy spout off.


  3. Red Cup

    He is a douche bag. I believe ADGM leaks shit to him. He does not speak for me


    • No One Knows You're a Dawg

      I’ve wondered for a while who the source was for all the “Richt’s in trouble” leaks that began to surface after the UT and UF losses. Clearly both the AJC and 680 the Fan knew someone with “inside info” about the way ADGM and the Board was thinking and someone who’d be privy to info regarding the strife between members of the coaching staff. One thing I knew was that it had to be a person with little sense of discretion who didn’t like Richt as HC and enjoyed being quoted.

      After reading the article above, I think I’ve figured it out who it was. Must say I feel a little dumb for not thinking of it sooner.


  4. The AJC is still looking to Dis Richt. Why? That Dawg is long gone.
    No reason for Fran to go there now. No reason to listen to Fran now.
    I have never thought of him as a Dawg Fan, Just as a Fran Fan.


  5. SlobberKnocker

    As I asked in a previous thread, where did he come from? I’ve often wondered why it seemed he was not involved in the program. And now we seem to hear him all the time. Was he always involved and I just missed it?


  6. Derek

    How deeply in his ass did he have to reach for this gem:
    “Our goal is to win the SEC championship and be able to play for a national championship,” he said. “It shouldn’t be any less than that. And it has been. We’re happy with 10-win seasons.”

    At what point was that ever the case for anyone?


    • rchris

      Fran’s best year at UGA was 1959. They did win the SEC, but didn’t play for the NC. They were ranked 5th and beat 18th ranked Missouri in the Orange Bowl. The other 2 years he was eligible they won 4 games and 6 games. He averaged less than 10 wins per regular season in the NFL, and although he did play in 3 Super Bowls, he won none of them.


      • Derek

        His goal should have been to win a super bowl. Why was terry Bradshaw and Roger staubach and kenny stabler and bob griese winning Super Bowls and never Fran? He was in the weaker conference at the time too. He was happy just winning a weak NFL central. That was his problem.


  7. Russ

    Fran is just as entitled to use “we” “us” and “our” as any deranged fan here or anywhere else. That doesn’t make his opinion any more valid than ours, though.

    As to why the paper interviews him? Who reads papers? Old people, and Fran is from their era.

    BTW, I’m old. And Fran is a little nuts.


  8. John Denver is full of shit...

    slow news, make news


  9. Derek II

    Fran is wrong, and trying to start trouble when there was none. The only reason Georgia finished 10-3 and not in the playoffs wasn’t cohesion and staff getting together. The only reason Georgia “sucked” this year was because of one word. Quarterback.


  10. I think Fran is setting himself up as the lead plaintiff in a concussion law suit against the NFL. He is setting up his case with bizarre/abnormal behavior. Talking to reporters about shit he knows little or nothing about is the equivalent of going to a chiropractor after a car wreck
    Having said that, he is not wrong….. if we made a change after two 10 win seasons in a row the only logical thing to expect is improvement( you should not change to get worse should you?) and that is either 11 wins or a ring. If one of those things does not happen the change was both stupid and unnecessary. Before the usual suspects go nuts this sentiment is directed at McGarity not Coach Kirby


  11. Bulldog Joe

    Fran makes for good click bait for the 50+ generation. I guess Pat Dye wasn’t interested or able to speak to them.

    The AJC digs up the old guys because the full transparency dirty laundry days at Butts-Mehre are thankfully over.

    The last two generations don’t know this guy or care what he has to say.



  12. JAX

    I neither like nor dislike Fran, but I totally agree with what he says in this case. His whereabouts over the past several years are irrelevant. Georgia football has not reached its potential.


  13. old dog

    hmmm…a few years ago Fran was on one of the local Atlanta radio shows ripping ‘Preacher Richt’…Fran was pissed about the state of affairs at that moment…now he says he holds no hard feelings toward Richt…methinks he is thrilled by the change at head coach…you got to remember, Fran is way beyond rich so maybe that entitles him to have his say…


    • FisheriesDawg

      He and Kirby were both SAEs at Georgia. Not many fraternities at UGA have a true good ole boy network, but they do. I wouldn’t discount that factor here.


  14. ClydeBoogie

    Sounds like Francis is mad that Right didn’t give him some type voice during his tenure. Damn Franny grow up.


  15. Mike Cooley

    The ajc interviews him because they want to embarrass the fan base as often as possible.


  16. The Dawg abides

    Man, where the hell is Will Trane on this?


  17. rchris

    I don’t like it when Fran interferes with the program or badmouths it in public. I do think that he could, if he chose, be a very positive force for UGA simply by showing up on campus at certain critical times and shaking recruits hands. Even though they are very young and he is very old, they could google him and find out he was one of the best NFL QBs of the 20th century. But as far public pronouncements or backstage pressure on the AD, we don’t need that.


  18. Bulldog Joe

    Sitting on pins and needles waiting to hear what 84 year old Pepper Rodgers has to say about Tech’s 3-9 season…


  19. He just want’s the new Inside training facility named after him???


  20. Bright Idea

    His opinion does count more than most because he gave $$$ for the new IPF and has lots more to give I assume. He does come across as bitter. I always suspected some connection between he and Schotty once Fran started running on about Pruitt and “a toxic situation.” I have nothing against rich guys but he does not wear it well.


  21. lakedawg

    Frans mouth was always bigger than he was, think he got butt kicked in college for popping off. But he does have big bucks now so McGarity and AJC do give him an outlet.


  22. Pantslesspatdye

    A better question might be why are you looking at the AJC?


  23. UGA85

    I don’t get the angst about Tarkenton. He is one of our most famous alums. His team won an SEC title. He (I assume) gives generously to UGA. He, like most rich, famous, generous alums, has a voice within administration. Isn’t this how the system works? The man played football and knows far more football than I do. He wants UGA to win. Shouldn’t he have an opinion? And his word choice of “we” or “us” does represent a significant percentage of our fan base, as the change he mentioned just happened. The man is not some imbecile or ogre because he wanted change. It seems harsh to judge someone just because he doesn’t agree with my views.


    • Scuba

      Given your response I’ll assume you did not hear him state Richt should be fired after his only losing season. Clearly his mind about Richt was made up before 2015. Nor did you hear him live on 680 trash some of our coaches this past season. All while stating his close relationship with our AD and president. He seemed most interested in self promotion and his current book. That was my take away at the time. Not to say I’m correct just how it appeared each week he was interviewed on 680 to me.


    • Heyberto

      I didn’t know all the stuff Scuba said, but I’m probably between both of you on Fran. I think he and his money probably have a lot of influence. I’m not convinced the staff issues were as bad as he’s making them out to be, nor do I think they were the key reason behind poor performance on the field. I was in the camp that believed Richt didn’t deserve to be fired, and I would not have called for his firing. In hindsight, maybe it was time for both parties to move on at this point.

      What I feel like Fran is saying… It was time for UGA to no longer just be satisfied with 10 wins a year. While I believe CMR had it in him to get the team to the playoffs, after 15 years we’d seen how he builds teams, and one could easily make a case that he wouldn’t be in the hunt on an annual basiS. His teams were pretty inconsistent, and took time to build toward a championship caliber. Have we upgraded? That remains to be seen.


    • Shouldn’t he have an opinion?

      Thanks for the pity party, but that’s not what my post is about.

      I get that you approve his message, but that’s not my point, either.


    • Let me give it a stab. He’s a pot stirrer. He seems to revel in airing dirty laundry. When things go south with Georgia, it always seemed like he was the first one yelling from the mountain top. For those of us who were rooting for Richt to turn it around, Fran was a constant noise, dragging the programs leadership into the mud. I started to wonder if all his bitching would start to effect recruiting honestly.

      The man has a right to his opinion, and I have the right to think he should shut the hell up.


    • 1979 Dooley

      Scam Fran is our Bobby Lowder & Paul Bryant Jr. He’s as much of a dirtbag as Don Leebern Jr.


  24. Cosmic Dawg

    This Fran is yours, fan,
    This Fran is mine, fan,
    From Tallapoosa,
    To Jeckyl Island….

    This Fran, he speaks, for you and me!


  25. Aladawg

    Amen. All he is, is an old man with a bunch of money who thinks he has a lot of influence.
    I wonder if his spokesmanship was a part if his negotiations with ADGM to term the past coach and hire the new one. Aw shucks, Fran the Man!!


    • AthensHomerDawg

      Whats with all the railing on “old people” ?not everyone gets to be an old man…with a lot of money …with a lot of influence.
      But yes, I wish he would STFU.


  26. hassan

    That’s Incredible!!!


  27. As always…I wish Fran would just STFU. I would buy a STFU Franny shirt.


  28. 1979 Dooley

    Scam Fran is the largest contributor to the UGAA. He has been all about himself forever. And he was CMR’s biggest antagonist. I hope CKS succeeds. If he doesn’t, we’ll all get nonstop drivel from Fran justifying CMR’s firing.


    • Scuba

      Certainly agree I hope Kirby quickly wins championships. I do believe Fran has been Richts most public critic at every low point of Richts time in Athens . I am surprised to hear Fran is the largest donor to UGA. I thought honor belonged to someone else. During the years of our past president and former AD Fran was almost invisible publicly other than to bash Richt when the opportunity presented itself.


    • Bazooka Joe

      I wish I had won the huge powerball (obviously) – give a shitload to the university with only one condition – make Fran STFU and make him irrelevant.
