Baby steps

Welp, this is a start.

Now all we need is a Georgia Bulldog-themed craft beer and the ability to buy it inside Sanford Stadium.


Filed under Georgia Football, I'll Drink To That

18 responses to “Baby steps

  1. ApalachDawg aux Bruxelles

    Bulldawg drinking is now elite and yes i would drink it off the floor because i am still thirsty for more championships.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. That’s awesome, but I don’t need to stand in the line at Sanford to get some unless it’s right when I arrive.

    Tropicalia, Automatic and Classic City Lager are just fine for me!


  3. One of the posters known as Mark

    I’ll take snuck-in bourbon in my stadium-purchased Coke.

    Liked by 8 people

  4. hialtdawg23

    A lot of excitement at the brewery yesterday. More visitors in Georgia gear than usual and some workers in their G merchandised shirts. A long way from the days where they had to sell tastings and couldn’t stay open for game day

    Liked by 1 person

  5. winderdawg

    College athletic program aligning with a union busting craft beer company for the win.


  6. Morris Day

    There is a brewery in Athens doing Dawg themed beers. Southern Brewing Company has so far released IPAs named Nothin’ Finer In the Land, Back2Back & Savage. They also brew a Berliner Weiss named Red & Black. However, selling you one inside Sanford is an issue…


  7. archiecreek

    Creature Comforts could rename Cosmic Debris to GATA,
    tastes great, but will kick yo ass!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. coastaldawg

    Go Dawgs, Sip ’em. I see what they did there.

    Several place down here in Savannah serve the Classic City Lager. Its good stuff in a nice place. Full disclosure, I am still partial to the High Life. Cheap beer is fine wiht me, but not cheap bourbon.


    • pansythedawg

      I once was a brewer. High Life is a legitimately great beer. I once did a blind taste test of lagers with beer industry people, including some Creature people. Classic City Lager was unanimously in last place. Steel Reserve (a joke entry) even performed better. Everyone’s #1 and #2 was High Life and Budweiser. That’s not to poopoo Creature. I like their beer, but CCL isn’t their best offering. For great Georgia lagers, go to Halfway Crooks.


  9. winodawg

    And it’s still available only in ‘Premium’ Seating areas, not available to the common folk.

    BTW – there was a Dawg themed beer in Sanford 2 years ago, though again, premium seating only.
