“It’s been done for years.”

As expected, over time, the trickle of beer sold in college football stadiums has turned into a river.

According to a survey by The Associated Press of Power 5 conference schools and Notre Dame, 55 of 69 of them — 80% — now sell alcohol in the public areas of their stadiums on game days. Of the remaining schools, some sell alcoholic drinks in nonpublic areas of the venue such as suites; others do not sell booze at all.

People want it.  More importantly, people will pay for it.

The University of North Carolina, meanwhile, is in its fifth season of selling alcohol, which has helped the bottom line with about $4 million in sales. After having $320,213 in net sales during the 2019-20 athletic year, the school quadrupled that number last year and will see an increase again after this season.

“Athletic departments typically are not profitable,” Barry said. “So, selling alcohol has simply become a new revenue stream.”

No surprise there.


Filed under I'll Drink To That, It's Just Bidness

32 responses to ““It’s been done for years.”

  1. Looking forward to when they have a sportsbook in stadium.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. I have plenty to drink while tailgating and personally wouldn’t likely buy beer during the game, but I think it is silly Sanford stadium is holding out on doing so in the public areas. It sure would help the crowd noise…lol.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Biggen

      I’m kinda the same way. I have a damn 1 or 2 drink bladder and I don’t like to have to keep getting up and making people move to go to the bathroom!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. RC

    Alcohol sales has been the largest profit center for every restaurant that sells it since the beginning of time.


  4. Russ

    Can’t believe the Leeburns haven’t started selling alcohol in the stadium yet.


  5. 79dawg

    Josh, please figure out how to sell coke (a-cola) and popcorn efficiently before trying to sell beer. Thanx!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. ApalachDawg aux Bruxelles

    Is Michael Adams still in charge?

    However I wouldn’t buy a beer in the stadium for the same reason I don’t buy any concessions during the game…the boy scout troop club volunteers from Royston are to damn slow(but bless their hearts) + I don’t want to miss any of the action + I am sure the beer selection would probably be Michelob Ultra and your assortment of light beers…I have never understood why a grown ass american southern man drinks watered down beer by choice?


    • PTC DAWG

      Cause it’s hot in the South..nothing wrong with lawnmower beer when it’s 96 degrees in the shade..real hot..

      Liked by 1 person

      • Down Island Way

        Thought that $10 (16 oz). beer at Wrigley 2017 was steep, just paid $17 (16 oz.) at a rock-n-roll show Saturday night ($33 for a shot and a beer)…GO DAWGS!!


  7. FlyingPeakDawg

    It was a challenge to buy anything but beer in TIAA Stadium. First dude walking the stands with beer stopped and cheered loudly…in the UGA section…when the gators first scored. So we yelled at him that he was not going to get any tips. After a few trips up and down the aisle to see we meant it, he left. Next kid had a huge smile and loudly proclaimed he loved the Dawgs. Got huge tips. LOL

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Texas Dawg

    I say this with sincerity. In the never-ending quest for more revenue, when will one of the California schools open a dispensary in the stadium?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. ugafidelis

    Y’all got McGarity run off too soon. Think of how big he could have gotten the Reserve Fund with this.


  10. Dawglicious

    All that $15 beer in the upper level concession and not a damn one of them was even cool. Lukewarm would be a generous description.

    This is 30 minutes before kickoff, so no excuse for not having the first ones cold.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. tonyhig

    If we can ever handle concessions half as well as they do at the Benz in Atlanta, sign me up. Otherwise, more trouble than it is worth.


  12. realitycheckhere

    Athletic Departs typically aren’t profitable?

    As we say in the Marine Corps Bullmotherfuckingshit

    Liked by 3 people

  13. Butler T. Reynolds

    I’m still bitter with the early Boomers, Silent Gens, and Greatest Gens for screwing up alcohol rules for Gen-Xers and later. Maybe things are finally starting to loosen up, long after I don’t care anymore.


    • FlyingPeakDawg

      Kid doesn’t throw that bourbon bottle in the late ‘80’s and we still have our large plastic flasks today.

      Liked by 3 people

      • tiredofidsearch

        Hell a couple of years ago some younguns in front of us snuck a halfer into the game (no idea how they got THAT into the stadium…)..
        Tried to tell them to keep it low and stop holding it up to pour but did they listen ? Nope… kept hoisting it up and being obnoxious, next thing you know they were escorted to the Bob Uker seats.


      • Gaskilldawg



  14. tiredofidsearch

    That would be awesome ! Downside is the stadium sure would get quiet except for the muching of cheetos sound.


  15. uga97

    A creature comfort or terrapin would be nice to have & also contribute back to the local economy. Hell open up the gates early & let people spend & tailgate at their aisle. Win win win.


  16. Briggy1981

    Until they serve whiskey, I’ll just keep bringing in my pocket shots and ordering a coke.
