The pre-game to the pre-game

I’m heading up to the lake with a few old friends to prepare for tomorrow, so posting will be somewhere between light and non-existent for the rest of the day.  (Besides, if things go according to plan, I won’t be sober enough to post anything you’d care to read anyway.)

I will have a game day post up early tomorrow, though.  I hope you’ll take it as an invitation to comment on the day’s developments.

Those of you going to Athens, stay safe.


Filed under GTP Stuff

38 responses to “The pre-game to the pre-game

  1. Bad M

    Arrest warrant issued for A. Ogletree.


  2. Spike

    Senator, have a good time.


  3. Professor B.F. Skinner

    “Those of you going to Athens, stay safe.”…and always remember that before entering Clarke County, which is proud to be designated as the first county in Georgia to be a martial law police state, keep your license in a place where you can find it when you get pulled over, make sure you have no outstanding bench warrants, stay out of alleys and if you do find yourself trapped in an alley, look both ways before you emerge and always borrow a helmet before you get on someone’s motor scooter.


  4. Mike

    Welcome to the official hot seat CMR.


  5. PNWDawg

    I don’t think our team is a bunch of thugs or CMR isn’t sincer in his efforts. I do worry that our lack of respect for the law will translate to a lack of respect for the rules of the game. I.e., does anyone worry our penalty woes will continue?


    • Brandon

      It’s a flipping $ 35 bicycle helmut, who knows what the real story is? If Ogletree offerred to give it the helmut back the taxpayers should be able to sue this track team guy for wasting judicial resources, what a load of crap.


      • 69Dawg

        If we really had a team with balls the track guy would have a nice little blanket party thrown in his honor.


      • PNWDawg

        So what exact amount should the law consider acceptable when it comes to stealing? Yeah, it’s a flippin’ bicycle helmet so it shouldn’t be hard to buy his own. So since theft is ok by you I guess I shouldn’t expect you to understand the spirit of my comment was related to all 9 arrests not just Ogletree.

        But I did notice there were not any real drive-killing penalties other than the back to back offsides. We’ll so how it goes when the game gets more emotional.


    • Dog in Fla

      Yeah, but did they show him a badge?


  6. hassan

    It doesn’t matter…Fulmer Cup is closed until after the MNC.


    • Dog in Fla

      That’s a shame. We could have had an early lead by putting points on the board and making the rest of them play catch up.


  7. Wade

    Blame Canada.


  8. Bort

    Don’t look for #8 on the field tomorrow . . .
