Stormy Friday


You may not be able to tell from the photo, but the wind is kicking up a storm down here. I can’t see how that helps either team’s kicking game tomorrow. But look on the bright side – Georgia has more experience going for two this season.


Filed under Georgia Football

30 responses to “Stormy Friday

  1. rusty

    Lol…I think.


  2. If the wind is bad, then that will be to Floridas favor.


  3. Sanford222View

    Current forecast for game time isn’t terrible. 15mph winds. Heavy rain clearing out tomorrow morning. Let’s hope forecast continues to improve.


  4. Cousin Eddie

    If the wind is blowing in the correct direction maybe Morgan can make it through without hitting the upright but going the other way it might blow it away from the upright so he can’t count on the “Bank Shot.”


  5. JG Shellnutt

    I just got done with 18 of the windiest holes of golf I have ever played. The Ocean Links course at Amelia Plantation was truly links-style today.


  6. Rebar

    Hell, maybe this is just what we need! Last year, the waning confidence of Coach Richt in Blair Walsh led to two 4th down touchdowns, I believe; maybe this is the football gods nudging us to win.


  7. Tom

    Maybe Murray practiced in a wind tunnel this week


  8. FtWorthDawg

    Too bad. No big party to see all the hot babes out at St. Simons Beach this year I guess. Normally by this time there are a couple 1000 strong going in the sands ….


  9. SouthGa Dawg

    I’m feeling good about “Wrongway” Morgan


  10. Wind is just not that photogenic by nature.

    Here’s a link to another storm brewing. Seems there was a full page ad placed in the Red & Black entitled


  11. AusDawg85

    Now we know why Mark Richt was smiling last week. Morgan was fretting he could never hit a PAT again, and CMR told him, “Just pretend a hurricane is blowing in your face and bank that thing as hard as you can off the uprights.”

    Mark Richt knows how to prepare special teams.


  12. Smitty

    Please don’t make this the game where the missed extra point costs us…..


  13. ScoutDawg

    How many times have we had the better team? This time we don’t. Lets see what happens.


    • Biggus Rickus

      During this bad stretch? Georgia’s had the better team three, maybe four times (depending on how you judge a Shockley-less 2005 team) and lost. They’ve won twice with the better team. The teams have been more or less equal four times, and Georgia is 2-2 in those matchups. Georgia has not beaten a better Florida team during from Spurrier forward. This Georgia team reminds me more of the 2008 squad than any of the others, which doesn’t give me much confidence tomorrow. On the bright side, Florida’s offense is bad enough that it will only be 21-10 instead of 49-10 this time…probably.


  14. Wilcodawg

    Senator –

    Your recent posts suggest a need for uplift. Well, to paraphrase – I can’t breath, I can’t swallow, here today, don’t bet tomorrow, etc….all the reason more to enjoy the trip!

    Dawgs win easily.


    • The Lone Stranger

      Hee, hee — as per your handle, the cheery-eyed goofy & all too deluded spin-off from what once was an unalloyed straight ahead country delivery system. But, hey, that’s just my musical leaning. Your pigskin predilection is solid. I like the Dawgs by 10+ as well.


  15. Uglydawg

    Can’t figure who the wind will help. The rain, even if it’s over by game time, will make the field softer and slower. Probably, by game time, it will just look like normal conditions. Gonna be fun!


  16. DawgPhan

    just look for anything from cigar city brewing while in the sunshine state. Their IPA is great.


  17. 69Dawg

    A 25 mph wind will effect the medium to long passing game. Since have that as part of our O and they for the most part don’t I’d say we will be effected more. The punters will be golden when they have the wind. If it is a cross wind then all bets are off on the FG guys.


  18. Cosmic Dawg

    Your Georgia Bulldogs are going to win this bitch by 24 points. They are going to crush Florida. It’s not even going to be close.


  19. JaxDawg

    I’m 5 miles from Everbank field and it hasn’t rained a lick and probably won’t. Lot’s of clouds and wind, both of which will eventually move out. We’ll have some wind at 330 but it’ll be manageable.


  20. Here’s Honey Bobo at his finest… fVH9cl&feature=em-digest-newavtr


  21. Unless the wind is going to slow down the UF D-line I don’t think it’s going to matter.
