Deandre Baker has a message for you.

You’ll have to stay ’til the end to hear it.

Now, just keep it up, Dawgs.


Filed under Georgia Football

48 responses to “Deandre Baker has a message for you.

  1. CaliDawg

    That gave me chills. We needed this win. The only thing remotely good to come out of this week (at least for me, your mileage may vary). Go dawgs!


    • Ben

      Same here. It’s just a game, I know, but this week would’ve been a real shit sandwich for me if the Dawgs had lost this one.


  2. Mike Cooley

    Where are all the people who were screaming about how everything sucked and we had gone back to pre-Richt UGA? Winning cures everything.


    • It’s one fucking game. Little early to start gloating.


      • With lots of variables at play, to boot. Let’s see what happens next week…all glory is fleeting. See: Nicholls.


      • Puffdawg

        And zero offensive TDs. I’m excited about the win, but I agree with Bluto. Let’s not start crowning ourselves SB Champs just yet. Excited about the big win. Let’s keep working!


        • Mike Cooley

          Agree we need to keep working. But no matter who was hurt for Auburn, that was one heck of a defensive performance and you can see Eason maturing. Nobody came close to even suggesting we needed to be crowned anything.


      • PTC DAWG

        Stay negative…I am on the train…


      • Skeeter

        I come here for the politics and stay for the grumbling and profanity.


      • Mike Cooley

        Why are you so thin skinned? That’s not rhetorical. From what little I know about you, you have a life most people would love to have. An education from two respected universities (you did go U Vafor undergrad, right?), a profession that most likely provides you with a nice life. A very successful blog that has people from outside the blog seeking your opinion on something you are passionate about in UGA football. And that post caused you to say, “it’s one fucking game. Little early to start gloating.” Seriously? You tell your readers to “fuck off”. You scold people for posts you disagree with. As a man in his sixties who would ostensibly have gained a good deal of wisdom and a man living a life most people would love to have, how can you be wound so tight, be so thin skinned? Relax man. Holy shit.


      • Jp

        Ole Sen is just mad Hillary got beat worse than Auburn and his 2 professors said it would never happen.


        • Mike Cooley

          Lol. I should probably cut him some slack. It’s tough being an elitist prick in America right now.


          • ‘Preciate the compliment. Being thin-skinned and all…

            I should probably take myself more seriously, like you do.


          • Jeff Sanchez

            Mike Cooley pretty much hates everything you’re about.

            Maybe it’s time for a new username, like Ted Nugent or something


            • Nah. He’s just disappointed I’m not more like him. 😄


            • Mike Cooley

              That’s not true at all. He’s determined to think so and I guess you agree but you’re both wrong. His reply was just unnecessarily confrontational and I commented on it because he seems to act like an asshole with little to no provocation. I don’t understand that. He doesn’t seem to mind Derek’s asholery. I admit that I haven’t had any use for him since he accused me of being antiSemitic one time (which is complete bullshit and cowardly as hell) but to say that I hate everything he’s about is totally untrue. And I couldn’t care less about him being unlike me. I would say that’s more in line with how he thinks.


              • Jp

                Mike no worries bro. Haven’t heard much from Derek the genius since Hillary got blown out either. Seems these libs are great at telling you how smart they are right up until they are wrong. Then they become good at being cry babies


              • NoAxeToGrind

                To Mike Cooley @ 9:37. Blowtarsky’s big problem is that he thinks his shit doesn’t stink. A legend in his own mind. He can’t be rehabilitated. Just let him blow on and pay no heed.


              • I don’t know whether to respond to this with an oy, vey or a bless your heart, Mike.

                For the record, I’ve never met you. I don’t know you. You could be David Duke’s right hand man, or the head of the local chapter of the ADL. I don’t know and don’t really care.

                I didn’t toss out the anti-Semite stuff because I thought you were; I was merely giving you a taste of your own medicine — you know, lobbing out an insult under the guise of deep analysis of someone you have no personal knowledge of. Had I known in advance you wouldn’t get my point but instead would take it personally, I never would have done it. And so for that I apologize.

                The rest of this stuff is bullshit. You have no problem acting the way you do here, just with people who call you on it. The whining about Derek is especially rich on your part, given that you’ve proudly declared before that you don’t take the time to read every post and comment at GTP. If that’s really the case, how would you know what I tolerate from Derek? The reality is that you two are the peas in the same pod here, except Derek doesn’t mention his hurt fee-fees nearly as much as you do.

                I know you love to have the last word in these exchanges (really, you thought you needed to respond to that joke about Nugent?) and you’re welcome to it. One thing, though… if I’m really as thin-skinned as you insist I am, do you honestly think you’d still be allowed to comment here?

                Have a nice day. Sounds like you need one.


              • Jeff Sanchez

                I’m talking about the real Mike Cooley in DBT, genius


                • Jp

                  Jeff you are invited to the consolation party with jz , lady Gaga , Cnn and Msmbc. Who gives a shit what the drive by truckers think and what they are against . Its funny when cry babies you you laughed at 8pm then got your ass beat 6 hours later and cried. Go smoke one bro


                • Jeff Sanchez

                  Um, I guess Mike Cooley gives a shit what BDT thinks because he chose his username based on one of them


                • Jp

                  Jeff I Don’t know BDT either. I’m more Zeppelin. But I don’t let Jimmy page tell me who to vote for ( see he plays guitar ) Jz is a shitty rapper and your candidate asked him to bail her out. See it’s guys like you that can’t believe that Hillary got beat and need a safe space to cry who need to examine the space between your ears. You can break out if you grow a pair.


            • Jp

              You should change yours to Bill Ayers, or Jerimiah Wright or Jz or just Cry Baby


      • down island way

        Sorry Senator….that was not one fucking game. This win cures nothing. It was one in the win column over a scheduled opponent that makes those who are truly DAWG fans at heart feel all warm inside till next saturday’s adventure.


    • There was absolutely nothing to feel good about leading into Kentucky and I said as much. After Kentucky, I felt a little better and even more so after last night. Sure, winning helps but my attitude changed for other reasons, too. Took more than just winning as I’ve felt horrible about the direction of the program after a win.
      Again…not really sure why Georgia fans enjoy rubbing it(good and bad) in the faces of other Georgia fans but it’s certainly part of the Georgia way.

      All that said…winning didn’t cure anything for me and I think Kirby echoed this post-game last night.


  3. Baddawg

    Anyone got a replay link?


  4. Otto

    If you can’t catch the replay wait a few days and search youtube.


  5. Dawg Vegas

    Love most anything with Foo Fighters. Fun win, I’m going to enjoy it, and cross my fingers we can keep the momentum going.


  6. Huntindawg

    Gotta go with Mike on this one. I understand the fatigue over the CMR love / hate debate though.


  7. Uglydawg

    We’re one needless penalty (“Playing while Georgia” at end of the TN game..gave TN the field position to accomplish the Hail Mary pass…should have been a warning) from going to ATL to get punished by ‘Bama. This team has come a long way since the humiliation in Oxford. Eason turned the corner last week against Kentucky. We’ve got some people catching the ball, we’re winning the field position contest (good job by Ramsey, BTW) and the defense is remarkably “Junkyard Dawgs” caliber.
    I’m happy enough…We have a better than even shot of winning out!


    • Uglydawg

      …Belay that remark above about being one penalty away…I need to check the standings and see if my math is wrong…Ex post facto adjustment.


      • Uglydawg

        Yeah..Florida would still be ahead of us because of head to head thing.
        But if Florida loses (almost certainly) to LSU and TN beats Mizzo and Vandy…good grief..they will have earned the privilege to have a mud hole stomped in their orange asses again!


        • itsdone

          I don’t know if I would say “almost certainly.” Look what Bama defense did to LSU. Florida (when healthy) is pretty close to their level. Florida will likely crush a one-dimensional offense (see UGA). Of course Florida is horrid on offense, but I suspect (like so many others) that their defense will make it easy on their offense and they can easily sneak out with a 9-6 win.
