The Boom rule

Gus Malzahn isn’t merely concerned about the SEC calling unsportsmanlike conduct penalties against coaches this season.  He’s extremely concerned.

And why not, based on this Steve Shaw quote?

“Somebody said to me recently, ‘You take a lot more off a coach than you ever would with a player,’ and that’s very true,” Shaw said. “The head coaches, they are the face of our game. They are iconic in our game but some of the things we would have flagged a player immediately for weren’t being called for a coach.”

Treating coaches’ bad behavior no differently than players’?  That’s borderline sacrilegious.

And this quote from Malzahn is rich:

“If it’s a 15-yard penalty, I’m going to need somebody to get my attention. You’ve got some coaches that go on the field and throw a fit and all that and I think the officials just had to do something to get control of that. That wasn’t me.”

Nah.  It was your defensive coordinator.


Filed under SEC Football

22 responses to “The Boom rule

  1. lakedawg

    If Boom ever beats us with that rag tag roster he has at Socarolina than our staff just all need to resign


  2. Spike

    Lower the Boom on Boom!


  3. Macallanlover

    Support having a way to penalize the ongoing whining and bad behavior by coaches but fear the inconsistent application that will follow this. Like the celebration rule, each crew will have a different level that triggers a penalty. I really feel the 15 yard penalty is excessive, at least on the first violation each game. What is wrong with 5 yards, then fifteen? That would get the coach’s attention without a high probability of changing the game for one indiscretion.


    • Bulldog Joe

      Like the celebration rule, each team will have a different level that triggers a penalty.



    • Uglydawg

      Much agree, Mac. The inconsistent application will be consistent. You can count on it.
      Remember Penniwinkle Wagers flagging CMR on the sideline for a slight protest on the sideline?? Wagers wasn’t even involved but was happy to come running to the “fray” (I think CMR said “Darn” or something awful like that) and threw that yellow flag as high in the air as he could. Meanwhile other coaches (I can read lips ) have used the “F” word, gotten into Ref’s genealogy, and even thrown things on the field and were just gently pushed to the chalk with a warning.
      This rule won’t end well for Georgia. I’m paranoid enough to be sure of it.


      • Macallanlover

        To make that situation even worse, Richt was right about the fumble. Call should have been reversed, instead we got an additional 15 yards on top of the bad call on the field. Wagers was such a “little man”, another reason why Shaw should have stayed on the field as a re, he is over his head in Birmingham. Thought he was the best SEC head official now, now he is an incompetent administrator. Don’t care about the money difference, your reputation should mean more.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Reality check here

          Yep and as I recall it was a key reason we lost. I would like to think it was a key reason pissant wagers was let go but in reality nobody liked him


      • Mike Cooley

        Yeah Wagerswent out of his way to get involved and Right had said, “That’s crap!”. Oh horrors.


    • 69Dawg

      According to Shaw there will be a flag thrown if the coach comes on the field to object to a call or lack of one. He made it seem that the league has said enough is enough and we are going to punish it immediately. We’ll see, I have always said the Line Judges and Head Linesman must be deaf because they get their asses chewed constantly by the sideline. Who in their right mind would not have kicked Muschamp out of that game. He kept yelling at the official then at the Ref when he came over. These crews lost control a long time ago so I guess it’s the old 180 on this.


  4. ToccoaDog

    A buddy of mine is an SEC referee, and he says he isn’t gonna be the guy that throws the second flag on any SEC head coach. (I believe the first flag gets a 15 yd penalty, and the second gets the penalty and ejection). He say she that if he gets a coach tossed, it will probably be his last game as a ref.


  5. Greg

    he needs a “hold me back” coach.


  6. Uglydawg

    Football is an emotional game. Coaches are the emotional head of the team during the game. His demeanor influences the team’s performance.
    The Head Coach of a football team is seen as the defender of his team’s right to unbiased treatment on the field. He should be given a good bit more leeway in bitching to the refs than are players. Protests and negative emotional displays should only be punished if they exceed the Boom Measure. (When WM was a little boy, Bobby Knight was his Sunday School teacher).
    . Some coaches take the responsibility of letting the team know that he “has their back” so seriously, he will take a penalty or even an ejection to fortify the team glue and to highlight official misconduct. Sometimes, that’s a great play..(we’ve all seen instances when we felt the coach should go out there and use a time-out and read the riot act to the refs…”take one for the team”)
    We see it in baseball a lot. It’s part of the game..but a manager has to go a lot further than does a player to be ejected…of course in baseball there is not middle penalties…so more leeway is given before ejection. AND it’s part of the show..I love it when the manager comes out of the dugout with a pissed off expression on his face as he approaches the man in black).
    Coaches need more leeway than players.


  7. Guz Malzahn. The consumnate douche bag.


  8. ASEF

    Watch Coach K, “Leader of Men,” work the refs. He would make a sailor blush.

    Maybe SEC refs need thicker skins.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. 69Dawg

    I love how we defend our own and think the opposing teams coach is an ass. The younger coaches Smart and Muschamp have come up in an era when the coaches are millionaires and above the law. There is no way the coaches should be as far on the field during a game as they are getting. If you wait until game day to coach them up it’s too late. If you have to run on the field flapping your arms like a duck then you either need to get better signals or simplify your damn system. Flag the hell out of them.


    • Malzahn has been a douche bag for years. It has nothing to do with my loyalty to UGA. He just is. A. Total. Douche. Bag.


    • Macallanlover

      69, according to Shaw the penalty is only for a coach coming onto the field to protest a call. He didn’t say it could, or would, be used to stop the coaches crossing the boundary and giving direction to players or meeting with them to explain a play, or during a timeout. I have no issue withem flagging coaches or players from arguing calls, just feel 15 yards is a little strong unless their tone is inflammatory or profane. Like the old face mask penalty, it could be a five yard penalty, or fifteen, depending on the severity, imo. Boom should have been tossed.


  10. Mike Cooley

    Senator I admit to rolling my eyes sometimes when you get misty about how unfairly you think college football players are treated. But I agree 100% on this. I never understood why it was OK for coaches to act like assholes but the players had to walk a chalk line in a game that is nothing if not emotional.
