Musical palate cleanser, a little more edition

From a Les Paul tribute tour a little over a decade ago, here’s Jeff Beck absolutely shredding the intro to the Shangri-Las’ old hit Remember (Walking in the Sand):



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9 responses to “Musical palate cleanser, a little more edition

  1. RangerRuss

    Came for Jeff Beck. Stayed to listen to Imelda May sing and shake those frills.
    I’m still alive gotdammitboys!

    Liked by 5 people

  2. His vibrato was incredible. He could make a Strat plugged into a overdriven tube amp sound like an entirely different instrument.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Gospel Dawg

      At first, I thought he had a slide. That’s the most skillful I’ve seen the trem used. Hard to imagine, but he may be the most under appreciated of all time – in the public eye.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Joel Davis

    Shouldn’t Jeff Beck be playing a Les Paul in a Les Paul tribute instead of a Stratocaster?


    • Well, he did play Les Pauls early on, but his sound from the 80’s on was built exclusively from what he could do with a Strat modded with locking tuners, a light, sensitive trem, and a nut with ball bearings (roller nut).

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Damn, Bluto…THAT is how you kickoff a friggin Monday.

    My compliments


  5. originaluglydawg

    That was great!
    Jeff Beck..just amazing!


  6. Comin' Down The Track

    This positively slaps.
