Coincidence? I think not.

“Jacksonville announces the Georgia-Florida series will have to go home and home for a couple of seasons and Kirby gets a commitment from the top player in the country just a few days later?  See, he told us moving the game would impact recruiting.” — Mike Griffith, probably


Filed under Georgia Football, Media Punditry/Foibles

35 responses to “Coincidence? I think not.

  1. RangerRuss

    Is that linear logic?
    How masculinely toxic.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. ugafidelis



  3. moe pritchett

    Home – home with the lizards?
    Ok. Time to give back that “half a hundred”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. originaluglydawg

    Kirby needs to keep stomping Gator ass so the Gator fans won’t have the stomach to make the drive to Athens.
    Make them dread waking up on game day.
    And have so many Gators selling their tickets to the game in Hogvilla that Dawg fans can even turn that bastion of shitawfulness RED.
    Sic’em Dawgs!

    Liked by 5 people

    • uga97

      Not sure the Jorters of Jainesville even know what a “game day” is anymore.


    • Catfish

      Make ’em dread waking up period.


    • 81Dog

      You want the Handbags waking up in August, thinking about their game with us, and getting a knot in the pit of their stomachs, knowing what is waiting for them. And that know just keeps getting bigger and heavier every damn day,



  5. ApalachDawg aux Bruxelles

    Gainesville makes Columbia,SC look like Alys Beach.
    …the only redeeming quality of g’ville is the Petty clans homestead(and if my insider Petty info is correct they originally came from 912 south Georgia, which of course is the best part of the 13th colony).

    Liked by 2 people

    • archiecreek

      Mighty damn FINE use of SOWEGA terms in one post there, Brux!!
      Alys Beach, area code 912, 13th colony (not only the state, but the distillery located in Americus, GA) which produces some of the finest legal libations around!!

      Liked by 3 people

    • NotMyCrossToBear

      Only reason to stop in Gainesville is to take a piss on the way to my in laws.

      Liked by 1 person

      • fisheriesdawg

        Now you’ve got Steve Spurrier’s restaurant just off the interstate for that purpose, fwiw.

        Liked by 4 people

        • RangerRuss

          I’ve been studying about pissing at the bar in SOS’s restaurant. That going to jail part is the sticking point. But ya know, I’m old and hairy to boot. I could purchase some used gator rags and dress as trash, flash a little cash, order a Bud Light and proceed to piss my pants and whine and maybe even get some sympathy from the staff. Hell, might as well just shit myself too. That’s proper accessories for FU clothes anyhow.
          Fuck those motherfuckers.

          Liked by 9 people

          • olddawg22

            Damn RR you’re actually considering letting gator clothing touch your skin? No way! And besides all that pissing in your jorts and shitting on your orange rags is Frankly no different than what has happened in that bar the last time we kicked their worthless asses in Jacksonville or they lost at home to Ky wildpussies! Come on outside with me and NotMyCrossToBear, lets all pee on the wall on the way back from watching the Dawgs beat those handbags 60- zip while calling 3 timeouts at the end to prolong their agony our pure joy, also knowing Spurrier left at halftime to cleanup all the piss and shit at his bar!!


          • 81Dog

            Now thats a level of commitment to the mission one normally doesnt see. GATA, and FTMF.


        • NotMyCrossToBear

          Nice, I’ll use the side of the building.

          Liked by 2 people

          • olddawg22

            Oh yeah sorry, left off the obligatory


            • RangerRuss

              As I said I’m studying it. I’m pretty regular and can’t simply shit on command. Besides, I really don’t want to mess even jorts with my own waste
              I’m thinking maybe pack a ziplock bag full of crunchy Jif peanut butter and tape inside my jorts, reach back there and come up with a big handful to show the crowd. Holler, “Go gators!” Lick my fingers clean and wipe my hands on the curtains on the way out.

              Liked by 1 person

              • olddawg22

                Clever and more reasonable RR!! However, I’m pretty sure that has already happened with a true gator fan in that bar!
                Minus the Jif of course! Go gators indeed, taste just like boogers!!!


    • ugafidelis

      A multi generational family/friend of mine owned the last lot on the West end of what is now Alys Beach. My family had spent time there spanning my grandparents to my children. A hundred and sixty acres was deeded to them by the state back in the 192Os on the condition that they attempt to farm it. They sold 158 of it in the early 70s when they switched from shade tobacco to nursery plants. They sold the last 2 acres in 2019 and had to finally vacate in 2021. It’s a damn shame what they’ve done to that place. But that’s the price of paradise I reckon.


    • Down Island Way

      FU fan can’t wait to get back to the 50/50 seat split in jax after home and home ass whippings…when UGA football fan heads to hogtown for perform the gatur stomp, seats might be north of 65/35 UGA split and trust me, I’ll take a part of that shithole stadium Down Island Way to share with every MOFO FU fan down here…#FTMF


  6. jim1886

    I like Mike. We a can’t have the same opinions, other than the Gators & Tennessee suck.


  7. Catfish

    Piss on Mike Griffith!

    Liked by 4 people

  8. W Cobb Dawg

    Does home and home really help our recruiting? Maybe kids sign with us because they WON’T have a trip to Gainesville. Compared to Hogtown, Jax is a paradise.


  9. godawgs1701

    I’m concerned that if Mike Griffith is still around when the Gators come back to Sanford Stadium and he sees a recruit on the field he may end up just openly pleasuring himself in the press box.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. uga97

    Shorter Mike….

    “…I need some of that click teet too…”


  11. tiredofidsearch

    I dare anyone to show we a recruit we lost/didnt get because the Florida game is in Jax not H/H. Whole thing is a crock.
    Plus, if having the big games on campus is so big why does Kirby like the neutral site OOC games ?
