The Tide isn’t the only thing that’s high.

Finebaum decides to count a few of ‘Bama’s chickens before they’ve actually hatched and comes up with this cringe inducing gem:  if ‘Bama wins Sattidy,

… the wisest course for President Bush would be to replace Henry Paulson as Treasury Secretary and put Nick Saban in charge. Anyone who can turn Alabama’s football fortunes around this quickly might as well take a shot at fixing the moribund economy.

I guess there are people that eat that stuff up, but, geez…


Filed under Media Punditry/Foibles

8 responses to “The Tide isn’t the only thing that’s high.

  1. Looks like Finebaum’s been dealin’ with Jimmy Johns.


  2. Whenever you read Finebaum, take everything he says with a pound of salt


  3. SCDawg

    And in the same article he says something right on point: “the colossal challenge will be keeping Tide fans in check.”

    Isn’t that always the problem?


  4. Greg

    I don’t get it. 4-0 vs an over-rated Clemson team at a neutral site and 3 terrible teams in WKU, Tulane(who they struggled mightily to beat) and Arkansas.

    Meanwhile, we’ve had two legitimate road tests in hostile environments. SC was top 25 prior to getting upset the week before we played them and ASU was top 15 before the same thing happened to them. I don’t think it’s a stretch at all to say that Central Michigan would beat 3 of the 4 teams Bama has beaten thus far….after all, CMU did go to a bowl last year was one minute away from winning at Purdue last weekend.


  5. Robert

    All you have to do is listen to F-baum’s show and you’d think Saban was serving his Kool-Aid at McDonalds.

    It’s pretty interesting. And pretty sad.


  6. rtr

    I sort of understand the disbelief in the Finebaum sarcasm (but come on, isn’t there any sarcasm in Athens?), but for Greg to apparently think Georgia’s schedule so far is comparable to Bama’s is a good bit off the homer ledge. What does CMU sticking with a terrible Purdue team mean? Any more or less than Tulane sticking with a (formerly) ranked ECU team? And USCe is gawdawful; they struggled with Wofford. Arizona State’s got nothing but still worried you for a quarter. Nobody has worried Alabama past the first quarter.


  7. kckd

    Senator, check out Finebaum’s interview with Chip Towers at I was LMAO. Paul goes out of his way twice to say he is “underwhelmed by the blackout” and he doesn’t think “care for it”. At the same time he’s asking him about 50 questions about it and it takes up about half the interview time when he’s got the state’s biggest newspaper’s beat writer for UGA. You’d think if he didn’t care for the blackout he’d be asking more questions about the two teams.


  8. kckd

    Something tells me Spurrier sticks it to Bowden this year.
