SEC officials do the darndest things.

Yeah, we know they have their moments when they struggle with competency, but you’d figure when SEC refs screw up in a non-conference match up, they’d at least make an effort to favor the folks who sign their paychecks.

(And, yes, I see Low’s boo-boo.  It’s kind of hard not to.)


Filed under SEC Football

10 responses to “SEC officials do the darndest things.

  1. Thom Brennaman, 2008 Sugar Bowl

    “…First down for the Gators…”


  2. Dawgwalker07

    “Georgia receiver Julio Jones was whistled for a 15-yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty”

    Sounds like someone has Alabama on their brain…


  3. He misspelled Wholio too.


  4. ugalaw

    I won’t lie, as an FSU fan, dealing with ACC officials (see Ron Cherry) week in and week out, SEC refs are high class. However, UGA has had a rough go at it with the officials of late.

    And the Gaytors seem to rarely come up on the short end of the stick.


    • Moggs

      And the Gaytors seem to rarely come up on the short end of the stick
      And the Gaytors seem to rarely come up on the short end of the stick
      And the Gaytors seem to rarely come up on the short end of the stick
      And the Gaytors seem to rarely come up on the short end of the stick
      And the Gaytors seem to rarely come up on the short end of the stick
      And the Gaytors seem to rarely come up on the short end of the stick
      yes they do, my friend……


  5. Marc Curles

    Whachoo talkin’ bout Willis!!!!!


  6. georgiaboyiii

    Worst Call? How bout ESPN referring to AJ as Julio.


  7. Mayor of Dawgtown

    To answer the rhetorical question posed by Mississippi state Head Coach Dan Mullen as to why does the SEC even have instant replay if it is not going to be used to correct an obviously incorrect call: The SEC has instant relay so the referees will have another tool to fix the outcome of the game.


    • 69Dawg

      They have it so really old and really bad former SEC on field officials can continue to draw a pay check and keep paying UGA back for getting suspended (see Mr. Ford). Heck Penn Wager has another 20 years to look forward to screwing UGA for the Celebration.
