13 responses to “Monday morning jaw droppers

  1. kevin

    Lane Kiffin would make an excellent cult leader


  2. No One Knows You're a Dawg

    The comments to that “Lane-knows-what-he’s-doing” article are pure gold.

    There really are people in this world who choose to believe no matter what.


  3. Normaltown Mike

    Check out Lame’s placement in this Time Square pic of the Pac 10 corches.

    Me thinks the Pac-10 is preparing for an SC-less season.



    • Dog in Fla

      What most don’t know is that during this photo op Lane is wearing a catcher’s cup as protective gear to avoid damage from any Sarkasian left-hammer fist to groin when Lane whispers, “What’s your story?” to Sarkasian just as the photographer snaps the picture.


    • Normaltown Mike

      Check out his do!

      Reminds me of Radiohead:
      “Karma Police
      arrest this girl
      her Hitler hairdo
      is making me fell ill”


  4. Principal B.F. Skinner

    Lane still hasn’t met the requirement of “without followers a leader isn’t a leader” as preached by Mr. Clean


    But Lane does meet the Disney Leadership fairy-dust requirement that every leader “tells a great story”


    Which reminds me when Mickey was in divorce court testifying and getting pretty wound up about Minnie. The judge interrupts and asks Mickey, “Are you trying to say that your wife is crazy?” Mickey jumps up, points at Minnie and yells, “No, Your Honor! I said she’s ******* Goofy!”


  5. Dog in Fla

    Saturday, Oct 30, 2010 – Auburn v. Ole Miss; Oxford, Miss. TBA

    Wait until Nutt finds out about this: all ticket-holders are invited to bring their laptops purchased with credit cards of others to the game. Instead of a coin-toss to start the game, as a public service, The SEC Officiating Crew will sponsor a pre-game laptop throw home-run-like derby competition between the two new starting quarterbacks. The winner of the laptop toss will get to throw the ball first.


  6. If Lane Kiffin wrote a book on how to successfully fail your way upward in life, I would buy that shit and I’m not even lying.
