You ain’t a beauty, but hey you’re alright.

Say what you will (and I have), you’ve got to admit that Uncle Verne’s heart is in the right place.

… And given the passion with which the locals embrace the sport, Lundquist, whose resume is as diverse as any announcers, is a household name in SEC country.

That’s OK with him.

“I got hooked right away,” Lundquist said. “I’ve told people since it’s been the best thing that’s ever happened to me, professionally. … You couldn’t drag me back to the NFL now, and they know that in New York.”


Filed under SEC Football

8 responses to “You ain’t a beauty, but hey you’re alright.

  1. Spike

    I hear ya, Verne. And you are the man, except for the man crush you have on Tebow.


  2. Brad

    In the NFL nobody played on the same peewee football team but they do play more “Soulja Boy” piped in music to dance to.


  3. SC Dawg

    Who the hell is Happy Gilmore?


  4. Go Dawgs!

    He’s not perfect, he makes plenty of mistakes on air. So did Munson. I didn’t particularly care for the man crush he had on Tebow, but I’m sure the rest of the world didn’t appreciate his man crush on Greene and Pollack, either. The fact is, he’s just got a man crush on college football in general and the Southeastern Conference in particular. Verne is my second favorite TV play-by-play guy for football, just behind Ron Franklin. I love watching Verne’s telecast because you can tell that he truly loves the sport. He’s OK in my book.


  5. W Cobb Dawg

    With the LSU-Ole Miss snoozer coming up tomorrow, Verne’s gonna have to come up with something to talk about. Maybe we can get more insight from Tracy down on the field.


  6. austintwo

    Wish Jill Arrington was still part of the team . . . .


  7. Mayor of Dawgtown

    Wasn’t the FLA-UT game in 2000 the one where the receiver (Gaffney) dropped the catch in the endzone but the refs called it a TD anyway? Changed the outcome of the game and I believe who won the SEC East that year. Ole Verne picked a bad game to use as his example. Wait… that IS representative of SEC officials, though.
