Old hat

No worries, mon.

Spurrier couldn’t have said it any better himself.


Filed under Georgia Football

12 responses to “Old hat

  1. Spike

    As badly as he has played, too bad they didn’t dismiss his ass… I feel better already.


    • Hogbody Spradlin

      Remember buddy, at the beginning of 2009, everybody, EVERYBODY, wanted Reshad Jones ran out of town, and he atoned nicely. Give ole Damian a chance.


    • Bob Sackamano

      Too bad we can’t dismiss your ass.

      Dude had an exceptional 2012 season. I for one am glad he is back there and expect he will again be a key player and a leader on the defense.


  2. TracyJHughes522

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  3. 79dawg

    Also, since one of our guys said it first, the Ol Ball Sack would look like an (even bigger) douche and copy cat if he steals the line now…


    • Dawgshit

      I’d be willing to bet if he had been coaching at UGA for the amount of time Richt has been we’d have a national championship or two by now


      • Mayor of Dawgtown

        +1 if only because SOS doesn’t get disrespected by the refs and the media like CMR does. Without the ESPN negative campaign against the Dawgs UGA probably plays in the 2007 season BCSNCG and wins it. Plus SOS wouldn’t have blown the spike at the end of the SECCG and Georgia would have won that game, advancing to the BCSNCG that year and crushing ND. I don’t like the guy but he can really coach.


  4. Spike

    Bob, did you see him get burned in the SECCG to give up the losing TD? The missed tackles? The missed assignments? One “good year”? That is all you got? Dude? Really?
