Talent to burn

Hella track record here…

I wonder how many other programs can make a claim like that.


Filed under Georgia Football

14 responses to “Talent to burn

  1. Beer Money

    Next up: a faux outrage tweet from Herbstreit about Georgia being a team without any discipline.


  2. Nate Dawg

    Yeah, but what does Herbstreit have to say….


  3. C

    Why would other programs want to be able to say that?


  4. 69Dawg

    See my post on the TM dismissal. All those guys might have been great individual talents but it’s a TEAM game. Being fast is only a part of the player a willingness to be coached and to obey a simple set of rules is also a part of the game.


    • Hackerdog

      I wonder why all these coaches buy into the fallacy that recruiting is important? Why not just spend the off season at the lake and hold open tryouts every spring from among the general student population? Those kids would bleed red and black and be ready to be coached up. Why do we think that it’s important for quarterbacks to be able to make long, accurate throws, or for receivers and DBs to be fast? They obviously don’t. That’s why all those FCS schools whip up on FBS schools every year. Teamwork.

      I say let’s kick some more kids off the team and just keep getting better. Chris Conley spends time off the field playing Star Wars instead of studying the playbook. Lose him. There’s a slower, smaller kid out there who would love to have his spot on the roster.


  5. Russ

    Why can’t Right run a clean program like Corch did in Florida?


  6. Coondawg

    After hearing TM’s continued disrespectful attitude in class I would be shocked if any major University accepted him. With a theft charge hanging over his head (you can say he was only accused and hasn’t been convicted yet but I will tell you double dipping an account is as open and shut as they come) and being so disrespectful in a class that a Professor gives you the title of “the worst in 37 years” would most likely bar you from acceptance in any University.
