How we got here.

Ladies and gentlemen, your SEC East, in one sentence:  “Kentucky has played better than Georgia this season, but UGA still has superior talent on both sides of the ball.”


Filed under Georgia Football

21 responses to “How we got here.

  1. Jared S.

    Maybe we should have hired Stoops?


  2. Just Chuck (The Other One)

    And if we don’t play up to the talent?


  3. Walt

    I’m pretty sure Georgia has a lot better talent than Nicholls State on both sides of the ball.


    • +1. I’m sick of hearing about talent. I’m pretty sure any 6A high school in Georgia could run the ball effectively against Nicholls State. These coaches are paid ghastly sums of money, more than most of us can imagine making in our professions, to do just that… coach. Name one position that has gotten better this year? Show me a well designed, creative play this season that takes advantage of a defense putting 8 or 9 in the box.


      • MGW

        Making the most of this talent is what got Right fired. Smart’s clearly playing and developing to raise the bar in the future. I’d like to see both, but here we are.


  4. Tronan

    Overall, probably. But, does anyone here think Kentucky’s OL is worse than ours? I don’t know anything about their wide-outs, but are they also smurfs with cast iron hands?


    • The Truth

      If you really want to die playing a drinking game, take a drink every time a Dawg drops a pass. My crowd calls the Dawg receivers collectively Roberto, as in Roberto “Hands of Stone” Duran.


      • down island way

        Why do you think i’m having to replace the margarita machine @ the tiki hut! But, if we had caught all those dropped passes i’d be replacing that thing anyway……..let the games begin!


    • Kentucky rushed for 94 yards (149 total) against UF in a 45-7 drubbing. I’m not sure what that tells us.


      • Jp

        That was before they changed to the new dual threat Qb Mark it down they will get 250 plus Saturday. I think we win a shoot out


        • Tlkdawg

          How do we win a shootout when we play without guns? 🙂


          • Jp

            Because against Kentucky D a22 becomes a357 take the over for free money. ,10 ,8 , 16, 18 ,6 27, 1 , 35 are enough . There D is not Florida more like scar. It’s more about your jimmies and joes than your x s and o s


  5. gastr1

    People still think talent matters that much? We’ve been a case study for the idea that talent on two or three parts of the team does not correlate to success. For a host of reasons.



    Put me in the group that thinks about 25-50% of the players on the team have not or will not “buy in” to Kirby as head coach….why should that number be any different from many of the posters on this blog?

    Hell, I think the numbers on this blog are higher than that.


    • Dawgflan

      What are we as fans are supposed to buy into? The exhaustive “due diligence” that brought Kirby here? The track record of Saban defensive assistants as HCs? Stellar recruiting that has yet to materialize into anything? An offense out of the 70’s? Unwillingness to play to our strengths or scheme around our weaknesses? A vague notion of process/stubbornness that may or may not result in long term success?

      The players should at least have some combination of personal, college, NFL, career and/or academic aspirations.

      We as fans don’t know how this movie ends, and I along with probably 98+% would love nothing more than to see triumph instead of tragedy. But we have also seen Muschamp’s Titanic, and are all to familiar with the script currently playing out. All we can do is hope for one hell of a plot twist.


      • PTC DAWG

        I’ll put in the not bought in column, not judging, just observing.


        • Russ

          Can I assume you’ve bought in? If so, can you point out some of the things you’ve seen that bolster your decision? I honestly would love to hear some positives that you’ve seen.


      • I’m with you, man. I’m so sick of this binary shit of you’re either with us or against us crap with Kirby. People that live in absolutes are simpletons with no room for reasonable discourse. It’s absolutely okay to hope that the current head coach of my alma mater succeeds while being intellectually honest enough with myself and others to say that he’s also hasn’t performed as well as he should.


        • +1. Indeed. That’s how business managers work. I want my organization to succeed. I want an individual employee to succeed. But when the performance doesn’t materialize, it’s time to face facts and take action. Or try something different.


          • Ben

            To use an analogy from the tech sector, you never buy gen 1 of a product because it’s got bugs, flaws, or other problems. You don’t necessarily recall it because of that, but you hope there are revisions later on.

            I’m not buying gen 1 of the Kirby Smart era. Maybe gen 2 or 3 will be better, but right now, it’s really not worth my time or energy.

            After all, I invested too much time, energy, and heartache into the previous model.


  7. PatinDC

    I am wondering…
    If we beat KY , never thought I would type that, will they be Dawggraded to minimize the value of the win?. 🙂
