Meteor pissing match

PAWWWLLL vs. Harbaugh – who ‘ya got?


UPDATE:  Somebody may owe somebody an apology.


Filed under Heard About Harbaugh?, PAWWWLLL!!!

8 responses to “Meteor pissing match

  1. MGW

    As soon as you acknowledge he’s worth responding to, Finebaum has already won.


  2. 81Dog

    A pox on both their houses. It’s a matchup of trolls who deserve to spend eternity braying at each other across Dante’s seventh circle of hell.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. SemperFiDawg

    A Tale of Two Petes.


  4. Go Dawgs!

    The good people of Michigan aren’t going to sour on Harbaugh until he drops his third straight to Ohio State. Then again, they say it’s not a good idea to pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel (or whatever the airwave equivalent of the saying would be). I’d say this one’s a draw.


  5. Bright Idea

    Pete also said Harbaugh would be back in the NFL before this kid starts a game at Michigan.


  6. WTM

    Didn’t CJH hire the father or coach of his top recruit last year?


  7. Uglydawg

    Don’t care for CJH, but it’s not his fault that PF just looks like a Peter.
