Remember, this is America.

Anybody can sue anybody over anything.

Take, for example, the overarching theory behind an Ole Miss booster’s suit against the NCAA for defamation:

The Rebel Rags response filed Friday went a step further. In the some 389-page document, Plaintiff Rebel Rags attempts to paint a picture of collusion among the NCAA, members of the Mississippi State athletics department, a national media member and a reporter for an Ole Miss rival fan-site.

“Attempts” is doing a lot of heavy lifting there.  (Let’s take a moment here to acknowledge Ben Garrett, Editor, who doesn’t appear to be a legal expert, but plays one on a recruiting blog.)  That’s why it’s time to go fishing.

… It is seeking to prove, through discovery and depositions, the NCAA, upon the release of the first NOA, did one of two things: It either stopped an ongoing investigation in the middle of the of the process so it could inflict irreparable damage — via leaks, etc. — upon Ole Miss’ 2016 recruiting class outside of the confines of its own rules and bylaws; or the NCAA had, indeed, completed its investigation, but reopened the investigation 10 days later due to MSU, as a source described, “dropping Kobe Jones in their lap.”

In the filing, owner Terry Warren and Rebel Rags are establishing a joinder of defendants via conspiracy to provide false and defamatory statements about plaintiffs previously mentioned — conspiracy being collusion to provide similar statements to the NCAA that were then leaked to Pat Forde of Yahoo! Sports.

But where’s the smoking gun?  When in doubt, turn to social media.

Rebel Rags attempts to raise the question of why, if the Rebel Rags claims made by Miller were deemed insufficient originally, the NCAA pursued Jones, pointing to the possibility of collusion, including a Facebook post made by Robertson on the same day. The post was of the Chicago skyline, referencing the NFL Draft to be held in the city that year. Robertson, Rebel Rags claims, was not-so-subtly hinting of a major development set to occur that would be yet another hit to Ole Miss in its investigative dealings with the NCAA.


I’m not sure there’s enough poo flung up against the wall to stick here, but you have to admire the approach they’ve taken.

How much fun is the Egg Bowl going to be this year?


Filed under Freeze!, See You In Court

3 responses to “Remember, this is America.

  1. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    Forget it Jake, it’s Mississippi.


    • Olddawg 55

      A pro pos to nothing written above, but this is the only venue I can vent on and hopefully have someone read. If you didn’t catch Loran Smith’s piece on the Open at Birkdale then you missed an excelent piece of sport’s reporting. His prose was a thing of beauty and took me back to the days of Furman Bisher and Jesse Outlaw when a writer could paint a narrative in a manner that took you there and put you on the spot being written about. Worth going to look for it and I hope you enloy it as much as I did.


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