Knee problem? What knee problem?

That’s Nick Chubb, squatting 600 (!) pounds.

I’m beginning to think there’s something to this whole mind over matter thing.

If he leads Georgia to a win in Knoxville this year, I hope he tears up a piece of the turf and walks off the field with it afterwards.


Filed under Georgia Football, The Body Is A Temple

24 responses to “Knee problem? What knee problem?

  1. I would love for us to put a 2003 style whipping on Tennessee this year. Chubb takes 3 chunks of turf with him … 1 for him, 1 for Keith Marshall and 1 for Justin Scott-Wesley.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bulldogbry

      Am I wrong or didn’t Michael Bennett get hurt there, too?


      • Gaskilldawg

        you are exactly right, Fortunately it was a sprain and not a tear


        • 3rdandGrantham

          UT’s turf has been a disaster for years, with myriad injuries taking place for all sorts of teams. If I remember, after our game there two years ago, North Texas or a similar program played there and openly complained afterwards that it was the worst turf they ever played on. Their official twitter account got into the act too making fun of the turf the following day.


      • That’s right but he was able to come back without losing a step and he didn’t miss the rest of season.

        That turf ruined JSW’s career.


        • Uglydawg

          And SOD too! Raised in Athens by Vince, he was reduced to wearing orange britches that actually made the brownish-shit colored turf look good in comparison. SOD was corrupted and damaged figuratively by that soil and should get a chunk of it to plant on the lawn of his new house in Oxford. Then he can go out every night and piss on it.


  2. bulldogbry

    I think we can all agree that it would be nice to see the debut of Evil Chubb in Knoxville this year.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. AusDawg85

    Please refrain from using “tear up”, “turf” and “Chubb in the same sentence. I’m not sure I’ll be able to watch our first offensive play this year out of fear.


  4. Dawgy1

    That’s one strong man! Looked as if he could have repped a couple more.


  5. Jack Klompus

    He put that 600lbs up with ease. Can’t wait to watch him run- the thing I’m looking forward to the most this season.


  6. Red Cup

    It was pretty cool to see and hear his teammates cheering him on. I have a good feeling about our senior leadership this year. Damn that cool aid is good.


  7. Macallanlover

    Neyland has had terrible turf for many years. I understand it has been resolved now, we will see. FWIW, I don’t think it was a factor with Chubb’s injury in 2015. The odd thing about the long running turf problem in Knoxville is I read/saw that on that very campus there is a turf expert who is supposed to be one of the very best on the planet. While he advises and consults on turf issues all over the world, he never received one call from the UT athletic department, or facilities personnel! Left hand, right hand….


    • Uglydawg

      That field always looked like they had just run the hogs off of it the day before the game, ran the sprinklers all night long to dissolve the pig turds into a slushy paste, and then run a farm tractor pulling an aerator over it at daybreak..let it semi-dry in the morning sun and then sent a crew out to touch-up the ass-ugly, 1950’s vintage, orange checkerboard in the end-zones. I didn’t notice when they replaced the wooden goal-posts with metal, but they still send a NASCAR-fast pit-crew out to remove the padding around the posts whenever an an opposing team gets in the red-zone. (OK, I made the last part up).
      Honestly, I think it’s the propensity of Vol fans to cheer when an opposing player (particularly a great one) is injured. It’s awful…It’s classless.
      I hope Nick Chubb takes it off left tackle, runs over a LB and two DB’s in the manner of Hershel the Great, and does it again and again and again..Give them all a horsey ride like Leonard Fournette gave Triggah.


      • Macallanlover

        I am certainly not saying anything positive about their fans, or their playing surface, I agree with you. I was just surprised that the answer may have been within 200 yards all along and no one seemed to know it! Takes some kind of laziness to not reach out within your own university. I do think Nick will be supercharged and show out that game (But I still think it was an awkward fall, no the turf in 2015.)


  8. DawgPhan

    He made that look pretty easy.


  9. HirsuteDawg

    If you read the linked article – Kirby squatted 600 pounds too😳


  10. Cojones

    Agree with Mac’s statement that the turf wasn’t the problem so much as the blow to the knee while he was in the air (my take).


  11. Cojones

    Isn’t there a safer way of lifting(the ends of the bar are in a slot and he positions underneath and lifts only with the leg muscles) ? Would think that the step back and forward can shift the load onto the ankles such that injury can occur.

    These videos leave me more uncomfortable than excited when all that’s happening is a feat of strength, not an exercise that can be used on the field while running. The impetus of the blow he lays on the defender(s) while running comes from his toes planting plus the push with the muscles against an oncoming tangential force and not against a dead weight.


    • Sparrow

      What you’re referring to is the “walk out” portion of a squat. It’s not easy when you’re going heavy (nothing is), but you’d really have to mess up to put your ankles or knees at risk. It’s a flat surface with careful, small steps.


    • Macallanlover

      Agree with Cojones about the drive to go heavy on weights, would rather see lighter loads and some explosiveness with more reps than a mega weight. Yes, I know our S&C coaches know much more than me. I just feel joints are built to take less stress that we are subjecting them too, and football is a game of motion.


  12. Hal Welch

    I don’t think Chubb gets the ball in the 1st half in Knoxville if I’m coaching lol…

    Seriously though, Nick will be the heartthrob of American football media with all the shit he’s been through and being the young man that he is. No player in the country will have more good will running behind him than that kid and deservedly so.

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