“Jake, he’s a bright kid. He always has been.”

Yesterday must have been Talk To Jake Fromm Day, because it seems like every beat writer filed a story about this spring’s… eh, for want of a better phrase, quarterback competition and how the returning starter is internalizing the situation.

Fromm was asked if what happened last year keeps him on his toes, knowing a true freshman could end up taking his job.

“I’m still going to be the same guy every single day, even from the day I got here,” Fromm said. “I’m just the kind of guy who goes in and competes, somebody who works his butt off. I’m never going to stop doing that and I don’t expect anybody on the team to stop working on their game. That’s what everybody on the team is doing, competing and working. That’s kind of what we do here.”

So, how is Fromm working on his game, then?

Making his first media appearance of the spring after practice Thursday, Fromm was asked what he needed to improve on this offseason.

“Trying to get better in the pocket, try to have an even more clearness of the offense and to have better rhythm on my throws,” he said. “Obviously, doing a better job throwing on the run. I’m just trying to take all that in and improve as much as I can.”

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t expect Fromm needs the threat, perceived or otherwise, of a Fields to motivate himself to improve.  And if the generic wisdom of the second-year bump holds true in his case, Fromm ought to be heading towards a helluva season.


Filed under Georgia Football

9 responses to ““Jake, he’s a bright kid. He always has been.”

  1. Mg4life0331

    I’m sure he has great habits in place and he just needs to get more reps at what he does.


  2. willypmd

    Murray 2.0, bigger and better.


  3. 3rdandGrantham

    Yep, some guys are self-motivated regardless of competition and put more pressure on themselves that anyone else ever could. I strongly suspect Fromm is cut from such a cloth. There’s an old quote about the test of one’s character is what he does when nobody else is looking. Well IMO the same applies to motivation. Those who like to grind at their craft without any sort of oversight or management are almost always the most successful.



    You could tell when he first got into the game he had that winning swagger


  5. Red Cup

    Senator I think you are underestimating how Stetson Bennett has improved over the last year. I am sure he will be the highest rated QB at G Day. A controversy is brewing.


  6. St. Johns Dawg

    Only concern for UGA’s offensive future at the moment lies at the feet of Mr. Fields … Can he stand sitting the bench behind Jake if they both remain healthy? That will be some trick if Kirby gets Fields to sit for a couple of years and bide his time. I suspect Fields will come in and play this year in spots … But completely outperforming a healthy Fromm? Can’t see it right now.


  7. W Cobb Dawg

    Finally, somebody has been working on their interviews! Fromm is from the Crash Davis school of interviewing. “I’m just happy to be here.” “We play em one game at a time.”


    • Uglydawg

      Yeah..I don’t know what some of these people are expecting him to say..just keep asking him the same old uncomfortable question so you may get to be the scooper on a “QB controversy”. Asshats.
