The way to a man’s heart is through his reserve fund.

I’m sorry, but this quote has me rolling on the floor:

The main reason Georgia made the move to depart from Fox? SEC Basketball is becoming legit, and standing still with Fox was the same as moving backwards.

“McGarity didn’t want to leave money on the table with basketball,” said a well-connected insider. “Pretty much, UGA didn’t want the SEC to get too far away in terms of competitiveness, and I think Greg was feeling that it was starting to happen.”

If there’s anything that’s anathema to Greg McGarity, it’s the concept of leaving money on the table.  Which got me to thinking… maybe that’s how Kirby gets things done at Butts-Mehre:  “Greg, if we don’t triple our support staff, we’ll be leaving money on the table to those programs that do.”  “Greg, if we don’t do a $63 million renovation of Sanford Stadium for recruiting, we’ll be leaving money on the table, because other programs will.”  “Greg, trust me, when it comes to this, you don’t want to leave money on the table.”

If Jeremy Pruitt had used a better sales pitch for the IPF, who knows what might have happened?


Filed under Georgia Football

12 responses to “The way to a man’s heart is through his reserve fund.

  1. 81Dog

    Kirby’s pitch to Mc Jughead was probably much simpler: he smiled and told GMG what he needed, secure in the knowledge that GMG knew if Kirby didn’t get what he needed, the boys signing the big checks would find a new AD post haste.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Athens Townie

    Or if Richt has ever figured out a decent sales pitch…


  3. The thing that chaps me is not trying to be championship level in the first place.

    I don’t get this mentality of reacting to the success of other conference teams instead of just trying to kick ass ourselves. Mediocre mindset.



    Our football team would have just won The Belk Bowl, that’s what would have happened…


  5. Ray Goff does not get enough credit and thanks for making Kirby Smart a Dawg.


    • Derek

      Thank God for Goff’s shitty recruiting, right?

      No way we sign a Kirby, a Will or a Bobo these days.

      I know there’s a lot of hostility, some of it deserved, towards Will, but it would not bother me at all if the three landed in Athens at one time.

      Three guys who went through the dark days as players bringing us titles as coaches seems like a great story to me.



    I always thought that having an athletic department was about fielding teams and achieving success. Ie=. Winning: Something that I don’t think McGoofy understands


  7. W Cobb Dawg

    I think our “well-connected insider” is full of ship. If Greg Mediocrity gave a damn about the basketball program Fox would’ve been gone a while ago.


  8. John Lee

    Thanks for making it easier (with the header) to know which posts to skip on by. Much appreciated.
