“I believe we won some games because of our fans. I really do.”

Nice thoughts from Pittman and McGee here.

It’s cool to be appreciated.


Filed under Georgia Football

13 responses to ““I believe we won some games because of our fans. I really do.”

  1. Sherry Sheets

    Season ticket holder since Herschel was a freshman! I was one of those fans! Notre Dame was a a once in a lifetime thing, but the rest of the season was great too! Even though we stood out in the cold rain for 2 and 1/2 hours waiting to get into the Mercedes Benz Stadium for the National Championship Game and then coming up short at the end of the game, it was all well worth it! What a season! Counting down the days till G Day and the season opener in September! Go Dawgs!


  2. Hill Billy Dawg

    Can we have another season like last year?


  3. Jack Klompus

    Coach Pittman crootin’ errrrbody


  4. ugafidelis

    See Senator. All of your hard work going to G-Day is not going unnoticed.


  5. UGA '97

    Aaaand thesee areally the Next contestants on the “lets Cover McDonkeys fall home scheduling snafu” game…


  6. Hogbody Spradlin

    Clisby Clark smiles from that Great Bulldog Club In The Sky. “With 75,000 of my closest friends.”
