Dude, where’s my buyout?

First off, I have to say that I find this whole “Rich Rod destroyed files!” story overblown.  If WVU does that poor a job of record keeping, it deserves what it gets.  The story just sounds like posturing for the potential jury pool for the buyout lawsuit.   (Not that I’m sure the school needs any help with that.)

That being said, in the wake of the story of the Arkansas fan base’s appreciation of the Freedom of Information Act, any head coach in the United States of America that would make these kind of calls on a school owned cellphone is a complete and utter dumbass.   My advice would be to reach a settlement soon, because we all know how well litigation helps focus a coach’s mind on the upcoming season.

Happy trails, Wolverines!

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Filed under It's Just Bidness

One response to “Dude, where’s my buyout?

  1. scdawg

    He called “Boubacar Cissoko” and “Rocko Khoury.” Now I know this story is made up because those can’t be real names. Can they?
