More SEC notes

More random SEC stuff, a week before the G-Day game:

  • Bobby Petrino is opening up spring practice to the fans, because “I think that will help our players understand what kind of stage we’re on…” After last year, he really thinks his players don’t have a feel for what their fan base is like?
  • Another “bullet dodged” story: remember when Georgia recruited this guy?
  • So, CFN thinks that LSU, with Appy State, Troy, North Texas and Tulane as its OOC schedule (all at home, of course) has the toughest slate of games in the SEC West this season? Does that say more about the rest of the schedules in the West, or about CFN?
  • And while we’re on the topic of schedules, did you see that every one of Tennessee’s SEC East opponents except for Vandy has a bye week before playing the Vols?
  • Barf.


Filed under SEC Football

2 responses to “More SEC notes

  1. moo

    not sure if you really care, but the gym dawgs won the SEC championship tonight. It was pretty rockin’ … the place was filled to the gills with dawg fans, and when they cheered, it was like there were only UGA fans there … the next biggest crowd seemed to be from Alabama … and although the Florida crowd was small, they were loud.

    Anyway, yay us!


  2. Heard it came down to the wire with the Gators… that’s never a bad thing.
