Stating the obvious

So, Brannan Southerland is out at least until the ‘Bama game.  And we already know Munzenmaier won’t be suiting up before the South Carolina game.  Which leaves Georgia with Shaun Chapas and a cast of thousands.

It looks like Bobo may need to dip into the Jim Donnan playbook for some two back sets to flesh things out until everyone’s back.

And, of course, no pressure on Stacey Searels.


Filed under Georgia Football

3 responses to “Stating the obvious

  1. Dr. Tom

    We are really in a pickle because it is a leap to think that Munzenmaier will get his life together anytime soon. I really don’t believe he will ever contribute to the program, at least not until he is able to deal with his own demons, and this might never actually happen. Brannan is going to be missed like no one could ever imagine. He is a tremendous leader and inspiration on the field. The huddle will be somewhat empty without his “we can do this” words.


  2. dean

    After watching the spring game I stated (somewhere) that a backfield with Moreno, King and Gray would give the dawgs a whole bunch of options not to mention speed. But you can’t repleace Southerland’s blocking and leadership.


  3. Two words: tunnel. screen. We’re gonna party like it’s 1999! Actually I think we’ll see Chapas as the starter and backup linebacker Justin Fields move over to offense.
