Uncle Verne speaks.

Here’s a brief interview with Verne Lundquist during the week prior to the Georgia-Auburn game.  It’s worth listening to just for the comment about Urban Meyer.


Filed under Georgia Football, Media Punditry/Foibles

10 responses to “Uncle Verne speaks.

  1. Hobnail_Boot

    He called it Georgia-Florida.

    Thank you, Uncle Verne for ending that debate.


  2. NebraskaDawg

    Verne’s a DGD.


  3. Xon

    No no, hobnail, that debate will NEVER be over until the whole world comes to agree with the hurt feelings of Gator Nation. It may take a U.N. resolution (backed up by at least one member nation of the Security Council), but one day the whole world will acknowledge what only Florida fans currently know to be true: it was a CLASSLESS act and CMR is a horrible human being. Yep, that’s the only proper interpretation.


  4. S.E. Dawg

    Xon, frankly I think you’re clueless. This has already been debated in the dirt. One fan base opinion vs another fan base opinion– period.


  5. Chris

    I think Verne is a Dawg fan at heart, i mean he even said that Sanford Stadium was his favorite college venue, that’s proof if i ever saw any!


  6. DirkDawggler

    S.E. Dawg

    I think Xon was be facetious.


  7. S.E. Dawg

    DirkDawggler, I think you’re probably right, my bad. My apology to Xon.


  8. Xon

    No sweat, SE Dawg! I realized when I read it back to myself that it was misconstruable.

    I’m a Dawg fan, and CMR is teh awesome. I will tell my great-grandchildren on my deathbed about The Celebration and how brilliant it was.


  9. Will

    Uncle Verne was already my favorite college football commentator. This just made him one of my favorite MSM guys period.


  10. Dawg19

    Nice job, Ned.

    “Uncle Verne” has always been a fan of the Dawgs and especially Larry Munson.

    Remember Verne and Todd Blackledge dancing in the booth during last year’s UGA-Auburn game? They both enjoy doing games there. Yet, they still do a great job without sounding like homers.

    Screw Gameday. Give me Verne, Todd, and CBS every Saturday of the year.
