Mo’ money

More dollar driven college football stuff to think about this morning:

  • Man, this is one brutal stat:  Notre Dame has finished the season ranked 10th or higher just three times in the 17 years its home games have been televised on NBC.  Five more years!  Thanks, Mr. Ebersol.
  • I question I wish Joe at the Coaches Hot Seat Blog would answer:  if it really is all about the money, why would the BCS boys leave almost $10 billion sitting on the table?
  • Here’s some interesting data on advertising revenue for many of the major sports from the ’05-’06 season.  The article crows about the ad money generated by March Madness, but the part that sticks out is how little college basketball’s regular season – a season that’s much longer than the NFL’s or D-1 football’s, remember – generates.

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