Blogospheric wanderings

Let’s meander.

  • The Wiz, with the help of, digs into the early effect of the new clock rules, and finds “(a)lthough the data sample remains small, it’s pointing toward shorter games and fewer plays in 2008.” But they promised that wouldn’t happen!
  • Over at Garnet and Black Attack, here’s reason #1 why South Carolina will win in Nashville:  “1. It’s Vanderbilt. They never win. Never mind.” It’s the honest moments you cherish.
  • HeismanPundit’s cry from the heart about the Pac-10 being the Rodney Dangerfield of college football is certainly powerful (“SEC Jingoism must stop!”), and I agree with his premise that the Pac-10’s record against the SEC over the last ten years gives credence to his point, but has he noticed what the conferences’ all-time records against each other are?
  • Dan Steinberg breaks down the last LVSC poll and looks at which schools in the top 25 Vegas is overvaluing and undervaluing.  It’s interesting that he sees Georgia as the most serious issue right now.


Filed under College Football, The Blogosphere

9 responses to “Blogospheric wanderings

  1. NebraskaDawg

    We need to go in and lay a smackdown on ASU to set the world of college football right again. SEC rules.


  2. montgomeryaldawg

    I”ll AMEN! that NebDawg.


  3. “Embarrassing loss be damned, Clemson is ranked nine spots too low (and should still be ahead of Alabama),”

    Really, and we want these guys’ votes to count?


  4. Wolfman

    That’s right…Lesser Carolina is motivated for “revenge” tonight. They’ll get those pesky Commodores yet…


  5. Heismanpundit

    I have noticed the all-time record. But I’m not sure how those records are relevant to the current bravado being spouted. When SEC fans and supporters talk about the conference’s superiority, they are talking about NOW. Recent events like the last two title games are cited, or the four BCS titles in the BCS era. And it really wasn’t until the advent of the information age that these arguments have taken on a life of their own. In that context, the recent record is more applicable.


  6. When SEC fans and supporters talk about the conference’s superiority, they are talking about NOW.

    But, HP, even you say that.


  7. Ally

    This whole Pac 10 “we’re better than the SEC” argument is laughable to me.

    No one seems to want to point out that the games in which the SEC has lost against PAC 10 teams (since 2000) are mid to lower tier SEC teams. We’re not talking about wins against Auburn, LSU, Florida, or Georgia.

    We’re talking about wins against Bama, Arkansas, & Mississippi State for crying out loud!

    UT’s losses look mildly appealing because people assume they are a perrenial power. Look at their record the last few years, Pac 10 fans, and you’ll see its not that impressive.

    When the Pac 10 can knock off Georgia, LSU, Florida, and Auburn THEN you can call bullshit on our dominance. Until then you’re still a conference with one great team and a handful of mediocrity.


  8. Tom

    When you can knock off our “one great team” and not just one from the “handful of mediocrity”, then you can bullshit our 10-6 record against the SEC.

    (And as for the teams you noted… you might want to rethink including Auburn on that list; LSU beat up on our “mediocre” Arizona (2-10) & (6-6), Arizona State (7-5), and Oregon State (7-5); Georgia refused to leave their own state until this year; and let us know when Florida wants a home-&-home – any of our teams will take it.)


  9. Tom, fair points, except for one.

    Georgia was scheduled for a road game at UCLA in 1984, but the Bruins bought out of it.
