Needs more flagboy.

Why is the AJ-C encouraging this?

On the other hand, kudos to Mr. Ledbetter for reminding us of this matchup.  Any excuse to mention 51-7 is a good one in my book.


Filed under Georgia Football, Georgia Tech Football, Media Punditry/Foibles

6 responses to “Needs more flagboy.

  1. Heyberto

    Hilarious that the AJC and Tech Fans see that rap as something positive to rally around. Nerds.


  2. NebraskaDawg

    These guys make Vanilla Ice look like a stone cold badass.


  3. Robert

    I like this from the article:

    “Baily said they have a list of Tech-related song ideas, including one about the school’s lamentable (for guys) lack of women students called “The Ratio.”

    –Maybe it should be called, “Alone on a Friday Night.”


  4. Hobnail_Boot

    Um, Vanilla Ice IS a stone cold badass.

    Word to your mother.


  5. E

    I appreciate the creativity and execution…

    However, this should of stayed on YouTube. I’d be embarrassed to have this playing in the stadium.

    Just goes to show you the GT mentality.


  6. Eric

    That reminds me…Anybody see the UH flagette at last years Sugar Bowl? Must have been a 350 pounder stuffed into something way too tight. I’ll give him credit…he could keep up with those women out there at halftime. I’ve got a pic of that around here somewhere.
