Tell us how you really feel.

For sheer bile and invective, this plague-on-all-your-houses piece about the Tennessee football program (from a retired UT news director!) is hard to top.


Filed under Because Nothing Sucks Like A Big Orange

2 responses to “Tell us how you really feel.

  1. Scorpio Jones, III

    Related to the above, having watched UT SID Bud Ford’s great skill working with the media (see YouTube pre-kiffin departure press conference), it is not surprising UT gets publicly hammered for every mistake they make, no matter how insignificant.
    UT is notorious for “banning” reporters from the press box, revoking credentials etc. if a reporter writes or reports something UT does not like.

    This has been going on for many years, and inevitably fuels the adversarial relationship with local media, especially the News’ Sentinel and John Adams.

    If you think the dinguses at the AJC are bad, you should have seen some of the stuff Adams wrote about the Great Pumpkin before his demise.

    If, as Mr. Gilbert says, Hamilton is such a buffoon, how can his bosses not see he needs to be replaced, and quickly.

    An AD’s main function vis a vis the university administration is to act as a flack jacket for the President and board of trustees….Hamilton may, indeed be a buffoon, but he also may be doing what he is told to do by the real buffoons.


  2. Dog in Fla

    Lane will never be able to eat lunch east of Palm Springs again.
