Blair Walsh’s funky funk

In case you were wondering

BS: What happened in your senior year? (Walsh missed 14 of 35 field-goal attempts in his final season at Georgia.)

BW: I just started pushing a little bit. I missed early on in the season. I was 2 for 4 after the first two games, and I hadn’t been like that ever. It killed me that I wasn’t helping my team like I knew I had been in the previous years. I over-analyzed and got myself into a funk and was in and out of it all year.

I guess I made a bad call on that whole mental toughness thing.

Somebody on that coaching staff needs to figure out how to communicate with kickers, though.  Not every kid can run on automatic pilot.


Filed under Georgia Football

17 responses to “Blair Walsh’s funky funk

  1. Comin' Down The Track

    I still think there was a girl involved.


    • Spence

      He missed every kick from the right hash. By mid-season, if he was lined up on the right hash, me and my buddies would call it out, and he’d push it right. How nobody on the staff seemed to notice this is beyond me.

      I was also told by a friend that he sat two rows behind a girl who claimed they had just broken up. They begged her to get back together, or at least text him something. She allegedly did, during the game he missed 3 fg (I think Miss State?) and he made the next one.

      No clue if that story is true or not, but I believe my friend.


      • Go Dawgs!

        The story could be true, but the girl didn’t help in the MSU game. Players have no access to cell phones during games.


      • Mark

        The kid has had he same girlfriend since July….I know them both personally.


      • Mark

        And she is in his face book picture and he is in hers. Amazes me how little ppl actually know. And make up through the Internet.

        Lesson I be leaned to believe everything you see or hear.


    • Hobnail_Boot

      My theory all season was “pregnant girlfriend”, and to this day I’ve yet to read or hear a more plausible explanation.


    • Mike Leach

      A fat girl?


  2. Scott

    Our kickers seem to perform best as skinny freshman and sophomores but decline once they transform into linebackers. I have often wondered if they do too much weight training and gain too much muscle and weight, throwing off their leg speed, flexibility or mechanics. Walsh just looked too big and slow.


  3. 69Dawg

    The kickers are left to their own devices. Our coaches don’t know anything about the mechanics of kicking so they are of no help when a kicker goes south. Let’s hope our next kicker is able to keep his head on straight because he’ll get no help from the coaches. We need a good Graduate Assistant coach who kicked in college. There is nothing more frustrating than for a team to get down close time and again only to have the kicker miss. Mark had too much faith in BW’s ability to bring himself out of the slump.


  4. ScooBoo

    That dang Bobo!


  5. AthensHomerDawg

    “DE LA HOYA: Many times. That one night before my fight, my knees were buckling. Yeah, many times. I can’t elaborate on that. I think that’s the reason why all trainers say it’s bad to have sex before a fight, because your knees buckle. ” Maybe this can have an effect on kickers as well?


  6. Go Dawgs!

    Rest in peace, Coach Hartman, but man, we sure do wish you were still around to pursue another graduate degree or two.


    • Scorpio Jones, III

      Plus 1 to that…somewhere he is still checking hang times and tossing grass in the air.
