“Isn’t he already dead?”

Best recruiting story you’ll read this year – nation’s top recruit gets promised a visit with Michael Jackson.

The coach goes unnamed, but my money’s on Junior.


Filed under Recruiting

10 responses to ““Isn’t he already dead?”

  1. Senator, ne mache pas ses mots. or in English: You call a spade a spade! My money is on Junior as well.


  2. Dog in Fla

    No way. Being the hipster he is, Lane knows Michael’s already dead again in LA. He tells them they can meet O.J.

    Clearly, the if the glove doesn’t fit caper has Irvin’s fingerprints all over it (with extra football point for knowing who Tito is because that’s fast thinking)


  3. Darrron Rovelll

    My thought it was one of two – Ed Orgeron or Kiffin’s little brother who is leading recruiting at Ole Miss.

    Notice the kid does not say “Head Coach” – just coach.


  4. The other Doug

    Could be Jim Mora.


  5. JasonC

    Les Miles?


  6. Dawg19

    He’ll also get to meet General Elisimo Francisco Franco…



  7. KornDawg

    That coach is out of touch with today’s youth. He obviously needs to promise a meeting with Tupac (if it’s a west coast recruit), or Biggie Smalls (for the east-coasters.)


  8. Mayor of Dawgtown

    I understand that Junior also promised the kid a date with Lisa Marie and told him Elvis would drive.
